About employee

prof. dr. sc. Boris Muha

Title: Full Professor
Location: A307
Public phone number:5898
E-mail: E-mail
Personal web page: https://sites.google.com/site/borismuha/
Department: Zavod za primijenjenu matematiku




Published papers recorded in the Croatian Scientific Bibliography Database

Global weak solutions to a 3D/3D fluid-structure interaction problem including possible contacts

Kampschulte, Malte; Muha, Boris; Trifunović, Srđan
Journal of differential equations

Global weak solutions in nonlinear 3D thermoelasticity

Cieslak, Tomasz; Muha, Boris; Trifunović, Srđan
Calculus of variations and partial differential equations

Analysis of a diffuse interface method for the Stokes-Darcy coupled problem

Bukač, Martina; Muha, Boris; Salgado, Abner J.
ESAIM. Mathematical modelling and numerical analysis

Mathematical effects of linear visco-elasticity in quasi-static Biot models

Bociu, Lorena; Muha, Boris; Webster, Justin
Journal of mathematical analysis and applications

Existence of a weak solution to a nonlinear fluid- structure interaction problem with heat exchange

Mácha, Václav ; Muha, Boris ; Nečasová, Šárka ; Roy, Arnab ; Trifunović, Srđan
Communications in partial differential equations

Vectorial variational problems in L ∞ constrained by the Navier–Stokes equations*

Clark, Ed ; Katzourakis, Nikos ; Muha, Boris

Weak solutions in nonlinear poroelasticity with incompressible constituents

Bociu, Lorena ; Muha, Boris ; Webster, Justin T.
Nonlinear analysis: real world applications

Rational decay of a multilayered structure-fluid PDE system

Avalos, George ; Geredeli, Pelin G. ; Muha, Boris
Journal of mathematical analysis and applications

Existence and regularity of weak solutions for a fluid interacting with a non-linear shell in three dimensions

Muha, Boris ; Schwarzacher, Sebastian
Annales de l institut henri poincare-analyse non lineaire

A model in one-dimensional thermoelasticity

Cieślak, Tomasz ; Galić, Marija ; Muha, Boris
Nonlinear analysis : theory, methods and applications

Multilayered Poroelasticity Interacting with Stokes Flow

Bociu, Lorena ; Canic, Sunčica ; Muha, Boris ; Webster, Justin T.
Siam journal on mathematical analysis

L^p-strong solution to fluid-rigid body interaction system with Navier slip boundary condition

Al Baba, Hind ; Ghosh, Amrita ; Muha, Boris ; Nečasová, Šárka
Journal of elliptic and parabolic equations

A Uniqueness Result for 3D Incompressible Fluid-Rigid Body Interaction Problem

Muha, Boris ; Nečasová, Šárka ; Radošević, Ana
Journal of mathematical fluid mechanics

Analysis of a 3D nonlinear, moving boundary problem describing fluid-mesh-shell interaction

Čanić, Sunčica ; Galić, Marija ; Muha, Boris
Transactions of the American mathematical society

Wellposedness, spectral analysis and asymptotic stability of a multilayered heat-wave-wave system

Avalos, George ; Geredeli, Pelin G. ; Muha, Boris
Journal of differential equations

Analysis of a linear 3D fluid–mesh–shell interaction problem

Čanić, Sunčica ; Galić, Marija ; Ljulj, Matko ; Muha, Boris ; Tambača, Josip ; Wang, Yifan
Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Physik

A generalization of the Aubin–Lions–Simon compactness lemma for problems on moving domains

Muha, Boris ; Čanić, Sunčica
Journal of differential equations

Weak-strong uniqueness for fluid-rigid body interaction problem with slip boundary condition

Chemetov, Nikolai V. ; Nečasová, Šárka ; Muha, Boris
Journal of mathematical physics

Strong solutions in L^2 framework for fluid-rigid body interaction problem. Mixed case

Al Baba, Hind ; Chemetov, Nikolai V. ; Nečasová, Šárka ; Muha, Boris
Topological methods in nonlinear analysis

An Operator Splitting Approach to the Solution of Fluid-Structure Interaction Problems in Hemodynamics

Bukač, Martina ; Čanić, Sunčica ; Muha, Boris ; Glowinski, Roland

A nonlinear fluid-structure interaction problem in compliant arteries treated with vascular stents

Bukač, Martina ; Čanić, Sunčica ; Muha, Boris
Applied mathematics and optimization

Modeling and analysis of reactive solute transport in deformable channels with wall adsorption-desorption

Mabuza, Sibusiso ; Čanić, Sunčica ; Muha, Boris
Mathematical methods in the applied sciences

A note on optimal regularity and regularizing effects of point mass coupling for a heat–wave system

Muha, Boris
Journal of mathematical analysis and applications

A partitioned scheme for fluid-composite structure interaction problems

Bukač, Martina ; Čanić, Sunčica ; Muha, Boris
Journal of computational physics

Stability of the kinematically coupled $\beta$- scheme for fluid-structure interaction problems in hemodynamics

Čanić, Sunčica ; Muha, Boris ; Bukač, Martina
International journal of numerical analysis and modeling

A Modular, Operator Splitting Scheme for Fluid- Structure Interaction Problems with Thick Structures

Bukač, Martina ; Čanić, Sunčica ; Glowinski, Roland ; Muha, Boris ; Quaini, Annalisa
International journal for numerical methods in fluids

Note on evolutionary free piston problem for Stokes equations with slip boundary conditions

Muha, Boris ; Tutek, Zvonimir
Communications on pure and applied analysis

Existence of a solution to a fluid–multi-layered- structure interaction problem

Muha, Boris ; Čanić, Sunčica
Journal of differential equations

On a free piston problem for Stokes and Navier- Stokes equations

Muha, Boris ; Tutek, Zvonimir
Glasnik matematički

On a free piston problem for potential ideal fluid flow

Muha, Boris ; Tutek, Zvonimir
Mathematical methods in the applied sciences

Numerical analysis of a free piston problem

Muha, Boris ; Tutek, Zvonimir
Mathematical communications
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