About employee

prof. dr. sc. Vjekoslav Kovač

Title: Full Professor
Location: A310
Public phone number:+385-1-460-5890
E-mail: E-mail
Personal web page: http://web.math.pmf.unizg.hr/~vjekovac/
Department: Zavod za teoriju vjerojatnosti i matematičku statistiku
PhD graduation year:2011





in person: Mondays 1pm-3pm; by email: always; I reply as soon as I can

Published papers recorded in the Croatian Scientific Bibliography Database (CROSBI)

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Professional memberships

Administrative duties:

  • Member of the National board for mathematics
  • Head of the Division of Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics
  • Managing editor of the research journal "Glasnik Matematički"
  • Co-organizer of the colloquium "Sibe Mardešić"
  • Coordinator of the Functional Analysis Seminar

Research interests (within the field of Mathematics):

  • Real harmonic analysis, more specifically time-frequency analysis and multilinear singular integrals
  • Applications of real analysis techniques to ergodic theory, martingales, geometric measure theory, arithmetic combinatorics, and nonlinear scattering
  • Various topics related to analysis, combinatorics, or probability
  • Problem solving skills


List of select projects

HRZZ IP-2022-10-5116: Fourier analysis and applications (FANAP), duration: December 31, 2023 - December 30, 2027

HRZZ UIP-2017-05-4129: Multilinear and Nonlinear Harmonic Analysis and Applications (MUNHANAP), duration: March 1, 2018 - February 28, 2023