Seminar for Unitary Representations...

On Monday, May 22, 2023, 16:00 hours, Maarten Solleveld (Radboud University, Netherlands) will hold lecture as part of Seminar for Unitary Representations and Automorfic Forms titled:

Principal series representations of quasi-split p-adic groups


Kazhdan and Lusztig famously parametrized the Iwahori-spherical representations of split reductive p-adic groups. That can be considered as one of the first instances of the local Langlands correspondence, and as a starting point for the role of affine Hecke algebras in the Langlands program. In this talk we discuss the local Langlands correspondence for all principal series representations of quasi-split reductive p-adic groups, which was established recently. This is a generalization of the  Iwahori-spherical case which still bears considerable similarity with that case. However, the proof is  in many ways completely different from the work of Kazhdan--Lusztig. For example, in our setting the  affine Hecke algebras do not arise from types, and in these algebras different roots may have different  q-parameters. We will explain some parts of the proof of the correspondence, in particular how generic representations are used to make it canonical.

Lecture will be held via  Zoom platform:

Topic: Seminar za unitarne reprezentacije i automorfne forme

Time: May 22, 2023 04:00 PM Europe/Zagreb

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 932 3349 3717

Passcode: 979691


All Seminar members and others interested are invited.

Author: Božidar Tartaro
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