About employee

prof. dr. sc. Dražen Njegač

Title: Full Professor
Location: 323
Public phone number:01/4895 427
E-mail: E-mail
Department: GEOG - Division of Regional Geography and Methodic
Graduation year:1987
mr.sc. graduation year:1991
PhD graduation year:1995
Employed in this institution since:1988




integrated undergraduate and graduate



Dražen Njegač was born in Zagreb on 20 March 1964. He completed primary school in Konjščina, and secondary school in Zagreb (Language Education Centre). He graduated in geography from the Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb in 1987, where he also received his Master’s degree in 1991 and Doctorate in 1995. Since 1988, he has been employed at the Department of Geography, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb. He was appointed an assistant professor in 1996, associate professor in 2000, full professor in 2011 and was granted tenure in 2017. He teaches the courses Urban geography, Croatian geography, Global urban systems, Geography of East Asia, The city in spatial planning, and the doctoral study course of Geography methodology. As a guest professor, he has taught at the Teacher’s College in Mostar (1997–2007), Teacher’s Academy in Zagreb (2000/01) and Higher Teacher’s College in Petrinja (2000/01 and 2004/05). He was leader of a Ministry of Science and Education scientific project entitled “Urban systems in the spatial development of Croatia” (2008 – 2014), and participated on two additional projects.

He is author of more than 30 scientific and 10 expert papers, chapters in two books, a substantial part of the Great Atlas of Croatia (Mozaik knjiga, two editions), many geographic articles in the General and National Encyclopaedia (Proleksis d.o.o., Večernji list d.d.) and others. He has taken part in 25 scientific conferences, of which 20 were international. He is a project reviewer for the Ministry of Science and Education, university and school textbooks, exercise books, atlases and some 30 scientific papers. He has served on the executive board of the Croatian Geographic Society as a member (1997 – 2004), vice-president (1996/97) and president (1997/98), as chairperson of the National Committee of the International Geographic Union (IGU, 1998 – 2006), as deputy head of the Department of Geography (2001/02, 2013/15), as head of the Division of Regional Geography and Methodic (2006 – 2010), as head of postgraduate studies at the Department of Geography (1998/99, 2000 – 2002) and more. From 2009 – 2017, he was editor of the journal Acta Geographica Croatica, and a member of the editorial board of the journals Hrvatski geografski glasnik and Gazophylacium. He has supervised some 40 undergraduate final papers, some 100 graduate theses, two master’s theses and four doctoral dissertations. He has been a member of the Scientific field committee for interdisciplinary studies (sciences and arts) since 2017.

Published papers recorded in the Croatian Scientific Bibliography Database

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