Facies (lithofacies, biofacies, microfacies, discreptive facies, genetic facies), facies associations, facies sequences, architectural elements and lateral profiles). Facies models. Sedimentary logs, drawing sedimentary logs. Fundamental principles of sequence stratigraphy. Sedimentary basins, sedimentary basins and plate tectonics. Alluvial fans. Rivers, characteristic facies and facies associations, glacial and glaciofluvial facies and environments. Deltas, types of deltas, threepartite division of deltas, delta successions, fan deltas, Gilbert deltas. Clastic and carbonate coasts, coastal processes and environments. Clastic and carbonate shelfs, carbonate platforms shelfal processes, shelfal facies and associations. Estuary and incised valleys.
Deepsea environments, deepsea turbidites, debrites, slumps and slides, olitostoliths, contourites, pelagic and hemipelagic sediments. Aeolian sediments and environments.
Learning outcomes:
Basic knowledge and understanding of the sedimentary processes in the various environments.
Basic knowledge on sedimentary facies and identification competences.
Ability to apply appropriate methods and technology.
Basic ability of independent analysis in the field and laboratory .
Basic ability to prepare, process, interpret and present data.
Ability to create sedimentary models.