Seminar for Analysis and Algebra...

6th meeting of Seminar for Analysis and Algebra (Alpe Adria, Croatia - Slovenia) is scheduled for Saturday, November 25, 2023 at the  Faculty of Mathematics and Physics – Ljubljana.

Time of the lectures is as follows:

- 10:00–10:45 Daniel Smertnig: Noncommutative noetherian prime rings with bounded factorizations

Abstract: A prime ring $R$ is a bounded factorization (BF) domain if for every non-zero-divisor $a$ of $R$, there exists $l(a) \in \mathbb N_0$ such every factorization of $a$ into atoms (irreducible elements) has length at most $l(a)$. Commutative noetherian domains are easily seen to be BF-domains, but the proofs involve prime ideals or localizations. In a noncommutative noetherian prime ring every non-zero-divisor still factors into a product of atoms. However, it is open whether such a prime ring has BF. We present some recent sufficient conditions. This is joint work with J. Bell, K. Brown, and Z. Nazemian.

- 10:50–11:35  Marcela Hanzer: On theta correspondence

Abstract:  We give an overview of theta correspondence, from the classical theta functions to the modern approach as a tool for relating representations on different groups. We comment on the interplay of theta correspondence  with other ingredients of the Langlands programme.

- 12:00–12:45   Nik Stopar: Jordan product preserving maps on simple Jordan algebras

Abstract: here.

- 12:50–13:35  Boris Muha: Weak solutions in fluid-structure interactions: Cauchy and periodic problems

Abstract: here.

Author: Božidar Tartaro
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