
Professors Dražen Adamović and Andrej...

Stanford University has released its global list that represents the top 2% of Scientists in various disciplines, on October 10, 2022.

With pleasure we point out that two professors at Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science Zagreb, are again on that lists, second year in a row:

  • Professor Dražen Adamović, PhD, is on the list of 2% most cited scientists for year 2021,
  • Academician, professor Andrej Dujella, PhD, is on the list of 2% most cited scientists for entire career.

Lists are available HERE.


We congratulate professor Dražen Adamović, PhD, and academician, professor Andrej Dujella, PhD, for this repeated extraordinary achievement! 

Author: Božidar Tartaro
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Lecture room 109, Department of Mathematics, Bijenička cesta 30