Number of visits:


Short description of the Project

In Croatia is observed the increasing trend in mean annual air temperature and the large variability in the measured extreme precipitation from prominent drought to severe flooding. Climatological studies based on regional climate models show the intensification of the extreme values of temperature and precipitation over Europe in the future climate. These changes in temperature and precipitation have a great impact on viticulture, considering that of all living organisms, plants react first to the change of surface temperature. Due to climate change, changes in temperature w ill affect: (i) differently all developmental stages of vines in certain wine-grow ing areas in Croatia (i.e. their phenological characteristics) and (ii) differently on different varieties. At the same time, the temperature increase changes convective activity (storms) and thus the occurrence of hail that are estimated as the second biggest cause of material damage in Croatia. The trend of increasing average duration of hailfall was also observed on the basis of measurements obtained in the low land of Croatia.

Due to mentioned, this project has several goals. Based on meteorological and climatological datasets and wine and grapevine archive data, the current situation and a monitoring system of key phenological phases of the vine due to climate change will be analyzed and established. Furthermore, the aim is to link the ripening and quality of grapes with agroclimatic indices and determine the relationship betw een hail parameters and the degree of damages in grapevines. The purpose is also to enable: (i) detailed agronomic and economic evaluation for preserving Croatian autochthonous grapevine varieties, (ii) determination of climate changes through agroclimatic indices in different future periods and (iii) an estimation of the increase or decrease in certain weather types which favor convective developments (and hail).

Project Objectives

The main objective: Analysis of the current situation in viticulture and the assessment and adoption of recommendations of specific measures aimed at adaptation to climate change.

Specific goals:

  1. Analysis of the present state of vineyards; focus on changes in the date of harvest and basic quality parameters of grapes and wines.
  2. Determining the relationship between climatic and phenological data for the past, present and future climate based on agro-climatic indices.
  3. Establishment of phenological phase monitoring system in reference vineyards. Evaluation of Croatian autochthonous species due to their ability to adapt to the observed climate change.
  4. Creating spatial-time characteristics of hail in Istria and its comparison with existing measurements in lowland Croatia. Determining types of time to fight.
  5. Analysis of economic and financial aspects of wine and grape production and meteorological services

Total Project Financing Value: HRK 1,690,050.00

The Project is funded by the Croatian Fund for Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency.

Project Implementation Period: April 3, 2017 to April 2, 2019

Contact persons:

Antun Marki, Ph.D., Senior Lecturer Maja Telišman Prtenjak,  Ph.D., Assisstant. Professor