Number of visits:


Original scientific and review papers in CC journals:

  1. Belušić, Andreina; Güttler, Ivan; Ahrens, Bodo; Obermann-Hellhund, Anika and Telišman Prtenjak, Maja (2018): Wind over the Adriatic Region in CORDEX Climate Change Scenarios. // Journal of Geophysical Research-AtmospheresVolume 124, Issue 1, pp 110–130, DOI: 10.1029/2018JD028552.
  2. Soares, M. M. Pedro; Maraun, Douglas; Brands, Swen; Jury, Martin Wolfgang; Gutiérrez, J. Manuel; San Martin, Daniel; Hertig, Elke; Huth, Radan; Belušić Vozila, Andreina; Cardoso, M. Rita; Kotlarski, Sven; Drobinski, Philippe and Obermann-Hellhund, Anika (2018): Process-based evaluation of the VALUE perfect predictor experiment of statistical downscaling methodInternational Journal of Climatology, DOI: 10.1002/joc.5911 (ealy view).
  3. Počakal, Damir; Večenaj, Željko; Mikuš Jurković, Petra and Grisogono, Branko (2018): Analysis of orographic influence on hail parameters in NW Croatia. International Journal of Climatology Volume 38, Issue 15, pp 5646-5658, DOI: 10.1002/joc.5769.
  4. Renko, Tanja;  Ivušić, Sarah; Telišman Prtenjak, Maja; Šoljan, Vinko and Horvat, Igor (2018): Waterspout forecasting method over the Eastern Adriatic using a high-resolution numerical weather model. Pure and Applied Geophysics, Volume 175, Issue 4, pp 1-20, DOI: 10.1007/s00024-018-1833-x.
  5. Belušić, Andreina; Telišman Prtenjak, Maja; Güttler, Ivan; Ban, Nikolina; Leutwyler, David and Schär, Christoph (2017): Near-surface wind variability over the broader Adriatic region: Insights from an ensemble of regional climate modelsClimate Dynamics , Volume 50, Issue 11–12, pp 4455–4480, DOI: 10.1007/s00382-017-3885-5.
  6. Kehler-Poljak, Gabrijela; Telišman Prtenjak, Maja; Kvakić, Marko; Šariri, Kristina and Večenaj, Željko (2017): Interaction of sea breeze and deep convection over the northeastern Adriatic coast: an analysis of sensitivity experiments using a high-resolution mesoscale model. Pure and Applied GeophysicsVolume 174, Issue 11, pp 4197–4224, DOI: 10.1007/s00024-017-1607-x.

Conference proceedings papers:

  1. Jelić, Damjan; Megyeri, Otília Anna; Belušić, Andreina i Telišman Prtenjak, Maja (2018): The spatial and temporal hail characteristics over Croatia with a particular focus on Istria regionScientific-professional conference with international participation "Challenges in Meteorology 6 - Advanced technology for solving meteorological challenges", 15-16 November 2018, "Kraš" Auditorium, Zagreb, Croatia, 23-23 (oral presentation, domestic review, abstract, scientific).
  2. Jelić, Damjan; Megyeri, Otília Anna; Belušić, Andreina i Telišman Prtenjak, Maja (2018): Lightning data as proxy for hail detection, Scientific-professional conference with international participation "Challenges in Meteorology 6 - Advanced technology for solving meteorological challenges", 15-16 November 2018, "Kraš" Auditorium, Zagreb, Croatia, 21-21 (oral presentation, domestic review, abstract, scientific).
  3. Omazić, Branimir; Telišman Prtenjak, Maja; Vučetić, Višnjica; Prša, Ivan; Karoglan, Marko; Karoglan Kontić, Jasminka; Prša, Željka i Belušić, Andreina (2018): Analyses of agroclimatic indices applied to Croatian grapevine growing regions in present and in the future climateScientific-professional conference with international participation "Challenges in Meteorology 6 - Advanced technology for solving meteorological challenges", 15-16 November 2018., "Kraš" Auditorium, Zagreb, Croatia, 16-16 (oral presentation, domestic review, abstract, scientific).
  4. Vučetić, Višnjica; Vučetić, Marko; Omazić, Branimir; Telišman Prtenjak, Maja; 
    Prša, Ivan and Karoglan, Marko (2018): Grapevine phenology and agroclimatic indices
    in Croatia under climate change
    International Conference of Phenology "One Planet, Two Hemispheres, Many Regions", International Society of Biometeorology, 23-27 September 2018, Melbourne, Australia (poster, international review, abstract, scientific).

  5. Jelić, Damjan; Megyeri, Otília Anna; Belušić, Andreina and Telišman Prtenjak, Maja (2018): Hail climatology and lightning jump climatology along northeastern Adriatic region with accompanying weather types. EMS Annual Meeting: European Conference for Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 03-07 September 2018, Budapest, Hungary, EMS Annual Meeting Abstracts, 15, EMS2018-195 (oral presentation, international review, abstract, scientific).

  6. Belušić, Andreina; Güttler, Ivan; Ahrens, Bodo; Obermann-Hellhund, Anika; Jelić, Damjan; Megyeri, Otília Anna and Telišman Prtenjak, Maja (2018): The relationship between wind and pressure fields over the broader Adriatic Region in CORDEX Climate Change Scenarios. EMS Annual Meeting: European Conference for Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 03-07 September 2018, Budapest, Hungary, EMS Annual Meeting Abstracts, 15, EMS2018-10-3 (oral presentation, international review, abstract, scientific).

  7. Omazić, Branimir; Prša, Ivan; Vučetić, Višnja; Karlogan, Marko; Telišman Prtenjak, Maja; Belušić, Andreina; Karlogan Kontić, Jasminka;  Osrečak, Mirela; Andabaka, Željko; Tomaz, Ivana; Prša, Željka; Šimon, Silvio; Petric, Ivana Vladimira and Leder, Renata (2018): Analyses of agroclimatic indices applied to Croatian grapevine growing regions in the present climate. EMS Annual Meeting: European Conference for Applied Meteorology and Climatology,03-07 September 2018, Budapest, Hungary, EMS Annual Meeting Abstracts, 15, EMS2018-189 (oral presentation, international review, abstract, scientific).

  8. Omazić, Branimir; Prša, Ivan; Vučetić, Višnja; Karlogan, Marko; Telišman Prtenjak, Maja; Belušić, Andreina; Karlogan Kontić, Jasminka;  Osrečak, Mirela; Andabaka, Željko; Tomaz, Ivana; Prša, Željka; Šimon, Silvio; Petric, Ivana Vladimira and Leder, Renata (2018): Agroclimatic characteristics in the future climate over the Croatian territory. EMS Annual Meeting: European Conference for Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 03-07 September 2018, Budapest, Hungary, EMS Annual Meeting Abstracts, 15, EMS2018-188 (oral presentation, international review, abstract, scientific).

  9. Večenaj, Željko; Telišman Prtenjak, Maja; Ptičar, Damir; Weidinger, Tamás; Tordai, Ágoston and Grisogono, Branko (2018): A new Micrometeorological Research Facility at the Faculty of Agriculture Experimental Vineyard in Zagreb. EMS Annual Meeting: European Conference for Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 03-07 September 2018, Budapest, Hungary, EMS Annual Meeting Abstracts, 15, EMS2018-602 (poster, international review, abstract, scientific).

  10. Jelić, Damjan; Megyeri, Otília Anna; Belušić, Andreina and Telišman Prtenjak, Maja (2018): New perspectives and applications of lightning jump. EMS Annual Meeting: European Conference for Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 03-07 September 2018, Budapest, Hungary, EMS Annual Meeting Abstracts, 15, EMS2018-194 (poster, international review, abstract, scientific).

  11. Karoglan-Kontić, Jasminka; Tomaz , Ivana; Andabaka, Željko; Stupić, Domagoj; Marković, Zvjezdana;  Preiner, Darko; Maletić, Edi; Osrečak, Mirela and Karoglan, Marko (2018):  Polyphenolic composition of Dalmatian grapivine varieties grown under continental climate. XII International Conference on Grape Breeding and Genetics,  Bordeaux, Ferancuska, 15 - 20 July.2018 (poster).

  12. Karoglan, Marko; Telišman Prtenjak, Maja; Šimon, Silvio; Osrečak, Mirela; Anić, Marina; Karoglan Kontić, Jasminka; Andabaka, Željko; Tomaz, Ivana; Grisogono, Branko; Belušić, Andreina; Marki, Antun; Prša, Željka; Omazić2, Branimir; Jelić, Damjan; Večenaj, Željko; Vučetić, Višnjica; Počakal, Damir; Petric, Ivana Vladimira; Leder, Renata and Prša, Ivan (2018): Classification of Croatian winegrowing regions based on bioclimatic indices. E3S Web of Conferences 50, 01032 (2018). XIIth International Terroir Congress, Zaragoza, Spain, 18-22 June 2018, DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/20185001032

  13. Ivan Prša, Višnja Vučetić, Maja Telišman Prtenjak, Branimir Omazić, Željka Prša, Marko Karoglan, Ivana Vladimira Petric, Silvio Šimon (2018): Climate conditions in Coastal Croatia and theirs influence on grapevine variety Plavac mali53rd Croatian and 13th International ymposium on Agriculture, Vodice, Croatia, 22 February 2018 (oral presentation (poster, international review, abstract, scientific).

  14. Jasminka Karoglan Kontić, Željko Andabaka, Domagoj Stupić, Zvjezdana Marković, Darko Preiner, Edi Maletić, Ivana Tomaz, Mirela Osrečak and Karoglan, Marko (2018): Changes in composition and content of anthocyanin during the ripening phase of  grapes 53rd Croatian and 13th International Symposium on Agriculture, Vodice, Croatia, 22 February 2018 (poster, international review, abstract, scientific).

  15. Počakal, Damir and Svabik, Otto: Comparison on haildataon polygon in Austria and Croatia9th European Conference on Severe Storms – ECSS 2017, 18-22 September 2017, Pula, Croatia (poster, international review, abstract, scientific).

  16. Počakal, Damir; Večenaj, Željko; Mikuš Jurković, Petra and Grisogono, Branko: Analysis of orographic influence on hail parameters in NW CroatiaEMS Annual Meeting: European Conference for Applied Meteorology and Climatology 2017, 04-08 September 2017, Dublin, Ireland (lecture, international review, abstract, scientific).
  17. Telišman Prtenjak, Maja; Karoglan, Marko; Šimon, Silvio; Kordej-De Villa, Željka; Grisogono, Branko; Belušić, Andreina; Večenaj, Željko; Marki, Antun; Jelić, Damjan; Omazić, Branimir; Prša, Željka; Vučetić, Višnjica; Počakal, Damir; Karoglan-Kontić, Jasminka; Tomaz, Ivana; Osrečak, Mirela; Andabaka, Željko; Petric, Ivana Vladimira; Leder, Renata; Prša, Ivan; Plavša, Tomislav; Vehovec, Maja and Rašić Bakarić, Ivana: VITCLIC projectEMS Annual Meeting: European Conference for Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 04-08 September 2017,  Dublin, Ireland (lecture, international review, abstract, scientific).
  18. Vučetić, Marko; Vučetić, Višnjica and Čiček Pomper, Petra: Grapevine phenology in Croatia under climate change21st International Congress of Biometeorology "Weather and Climate Information for Risk Management", 03-07 September 2017, Durham, UK (poster, international review, abstract, scientific).
  19. Telišman Prtenjak, Maja; Karoglan, Marko; Šimon, Silvio; Kordej-De Villa, Željka; Grisogono, Branko; Belušić, Andreina; Večenaj, Željko; Marki, Antun; Vučetić, Višnjica; Počakal, Damir; Karoglan-Kontić, Jasminka; Tomaz, Ivana; Osrečak, Mirela; Andabaka, Željko; Petric, Ivana Vladimira; Leder, Renata; Prša, Ivan; Plavša, Tomislav; Vehovec, Maja and Rašić Bakarić, Ivana: VITiculture and CLImate Change in Croatia (VITCLIC)3rd PannEx workshop on the climate system of the Pannonian basin, 20-22 March 2017, Cluj-Napoca, Romania (lecture, international review, abstract, scientific).

Other papers:

  1. VITCLIC Team (2018): VITiculture and CLImate Change in Croatia (VITCLIC)Symposium on Advances on Meteorological application to Agriculture, H2020 TWINNING – SERBIA FOR EXCELL final workshop. Workshop at Faculty of Agriculture, University of Novi Sad, Novi Sad, Serbia, 25-29 June 2018 (poster).
  2. Malečić, Barbara and Simić, Niko (2017): Coding and testing of algorithm for cyclone detection in results of regional climate model. Proceedings of the Rector's Award Winneers (Article for Rector's Award; mentors: Telišman Prtenjak, Maja and Belušić, Andreina; on Croatian with English summary), 32 pp.