PMF - Geološki odsjek


Raspored sjednica Vijeća Geološkog odsjeka u ak. god. 2023./24. i datuma predaje materijala za Povjerenstvo za nastavu nalazi se ovdje.







Cretaceous GEOdynamic PROOFS in the Dinarides and Pannonian Basin


project HRZZ IP-2014-09-9541




Short version of publication from dissemination workshop is available as PDF.


16. 05. 2019. Final workshop

Attendance: more than 55 participants, 8(+2) talks, ...






















zadovoljstvo nam je pozvati Vas na završno izlaganje rezultata Istraživačkog projekta Hrvatske zaklade za znanost (IP-09-2014) pod nazivom Kredni geodinamski dokazi u području Dinarida i Panonskog bazena (Cretaceous GEOdynamic PROOFS in the Dinarides and Pannonian Basin – GEOPROOFS), koje će se održati u četvrtak, 16. svibnja 2019. na Prirodoslovno-matematičkom fakultetu, Geološkom odsjeku, Horvatovac 102a, predavaonica 008 s početkom u 13:00 sati.

Nakon uvodnog predavanja, slijedit će prva grupa predavanja vezana uz magmatsku i metamorfnu evoluciju kristalina u kredi, a nakon kratke pauze i druga grupa predavanja vezana uz kredno-paleogenske karbonatne i klastične stijene.


Nakon izlaganja pozvani ste na neformalno druženje.


Više informacija možete naći na stranici projekta


Najljepše Vas molimo da potvrdite svoj dolazak e-mailom ili telefonski na niže navedeni kontakt.


Veselimo se Vašem dolasku!


Uz srdačan pozdrav,

Prof. dr. sc. Dražen Balen

Voditelj Projekta


U Zagrebu, 3. svibnja 2019. god.


Ukoliko imate dodatnih pitanja slobodno se obratite na e-mail ili na telefon +385 1 4606114.


Dissemination 2 - students

Presentation on Alpine magmatism by Petra Schneider on "Studentski dani geologije" was continuation (2nd part) of our dissemination trilogy - aiming strictly to student population.


Feel free to visit us on 16.05. on final meeting/workshop/set of talks.

It will not be GoT or Big Bang Theory finale but still we think it will be worth of visiting. For invitation see above.


Dissemination 1 – Bottom Up

In the scope of the project, dissemination activity is among the most important. Our basic idea was to show the project research achievements on the three different levels: 1) to the broad community, 2) to the student population (undergraduate, graduate and PhD students) and 3) to the scientific community. According to this idea, provisory plan was made and we had started our dissemination mission from the point 1) aiming to in situ population (local community). Our field work at Brač Island partly inspired with knowledge gained from Bahama experience and the analogy in evolution of the carbonate platforms was ideal to show to the youngest population. BTW this is a population who enjoys swimming in our key-localities and understands extinction boundaries perfectly :-) Finally, something good from movies and computer games.


Unforgettable afternoon at elementary school in Supetar with open-minded youth and co-operative geography teacher. Thank you and we should do such events more often!


Field work – closing of field activities (carbonate rocks; Istra, Brač)

Another common field research in order to find suitable spots that represents remained frontiers between Mesozoic and Cenozoic. Success! New samples, new records, new conclusions.


9th Mineralogical-petrological Conference Petros 2019

Last week of project we will spend at conference in Bratislava showing the latest results of hard-rock part of project. Submitted:


Dražen Balen and Hans-Joachim Massonne

Clockwise and counterclockwise P–T paths of ophiolite-related metamorphic sole rocks from the Krivaja-Konjuh ultramafic massif of the Dinaride Ophiolite Zone, Central Bosnia and Herzegovina


Petra Schneider, Dražen Balen, Hans-Joachim Massone and Joachim Opitz

Cretaceous rift-related magmatism in the suture zone of Adria microplate and European plate (Slavonian Mts., Croatia)


2019, 10 to 13 September - 34th IAS Meeting of Sedimentology -

Another abstract  is submitted for the conference. This is one of numerous outputs that will follow formal ending of project.


EGU 2019 loved to keep up on the biggest European geo-meeting

Another European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2019 Vienna | Austria | 07  – 12 April 2019

Another lurking through the window of advance science.


Zorica Petrinec, Iva Olić and Dražen Balen (2019): From magmatic stoping to hybridization: snapshots of granite emplacement processes and interactions in a shallow crustal magma chamber. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol.21, EGU2019-285, EGU General Assembly 2019 Vienna,


Dražen Balen and Hans-Joachim Massonne (2019): Kelyphitic microstructures from orogenic garnet-bearing rocks of the Dinaride ophiolite zone. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol.21, EGU2019-5074, EGU General Assembly 2019 Vienna,


Petra Schneider, Dražen Balen, Hans-Joachim Massonne and Joachim Opitz (2019): Coeval magmatism in the Cretaceous in a zone between the European and Adria plates in Croatia: same source of alkali magmatism?. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol.21, EGU2019-7512, EGU General Assembly 2019 Vienna,



Field work – closing of field activities (metamorphic rocks; Medvednica, central Bosnia)

Everything comes to the end! Except in the geology. There is so much to do and every solved problem gained new ones. First disappointments with inaccuracy of basic plans followed by narcotic thrill about solving “everything” ended in the closing of the field activities (for the moment) with common intergroup inspection of particular key-outcrops. Reasonable and very fruitful strategy in the presentation of research results that will help us in combining the data in the future publications and project proposals. And of course, a bunch of new data on a closure of the oceanic domain.




On January the 28th we had a brainstorming. A final one!

Surprisingly the attendance was high in spite of various obligations that we had. Two hot issues for resolving were: 1. The extrapolation of field-work with closure of ophiolite-related and carbonate subjects and 2. Dissemination meeting at the end of project. To cool a bit those hard subjects, the fluid part follows afterward.

Epilogue: solid ideas unstoppably emerges and emerges and emerges. Some kind of a project prolongation can be expected, either formally or informally. But first we should finish those first challenges that we had started to publish as conference communications, reports etc.. Other way, it will be so typical “never-ending story”.



(the act of staying at a place throughout the winter)


Xmas and NY



Croatian Geological Society Award

... for best diploma thesis in the past academic year.


Schneider, Petra
Geneza granita Požeške gore na temelju petrografije te morfoloških, kemijskih i spektroskopskih značajki cirkona / završni rad - diplomski/integralni studij.
Zagreb : Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet, 08.12. 2017, 93 str. Voditelj: Balen, Dražen.



AGU 2018 Fall Meeting, Washington DC, USA


Dražen Balen, Petra Schneider, Joachim Opitz and Hans-Joachim Massonne (2018): Ages and Trace Element Patterns of Apatite and Zircon in a Diorite from the Mt. Papuk metamorphic complex (Pannonian Basin Basement in Croatia, CE Europe). AGU Fall Meeting, Volcanology, Geochemistry and Petrology, V33E-0285: Petrochronology 2.01, 10-14 Dec 2018, Washington, D.C.








Field work in Central Bosnia

Pogar, Bosnia and Hercegovina


Kelyphite microstructure peering into the past


Age dating experiments



Meanwhile, back in the USA



Rupnica, Papuk Geopark

Cretaceous zircons!





