Raspored sjednica Vijeća Geološkog odsjeka u ak. god. 2024./25. i datuma predaje materijala za Povjerenstvo za nastavu nalazi se ovdje.
Zvanje: | redoviti profesor u trajnom izboru |
Lokacija: | 8 MPZ |
Telefon: | +385 1 460 5967 |
Telefon kućni: | 5967 |
E-mail: | |
Zavod/služba: | Geološki odsjek |
Godina diplomiranja: | 1991. |
Godina magistriranja: | 1994. |
Godina doktoriranja: | 1999. |
Na zavodu od: | 1991. |
Dražen Balen rođen je 8. lipnja 1967. u Zagrebu. Doktorirao je 1999. godine u području prirodnih znanosti, znanstvenom polju geoznanosti − geologija na Sveučilištu u Zagrebu. Od 1991. godine zaposlen je na PMF-u gdje je 2016. godine izabran u znanstveno-nastavno zvanje redoviti profesor u trajnom zvanju. Predaje kolegije vezane uz petrologiju na prijediplomskom, diplomskom i doktorskom studiju na Sveučilištu u Zagrebu, a u okviru CEEPUS međunarodne razmjene i na Comenius University u Bratislavi. Mentor je većeg broja obranjenih završnih (34) i diplomskih radova (31), četiri obranjene doktorske disertacije kao i dvije disertacije u postupku izrade te član povjerenstava za ocjenu i obranu doktorskih radova na Sveučilištu u Zagrebu (PMF, RGNF) i inozemstvu (Univerzitet u Ljubljani (Naravoslovnotehniška fakulteta), Univerzitet u Beogradu (Rudarsko-geološki fakultet) i Univerzitet u Tuzli (Rudarsko-geološko-građevinski fakultet)). Mentor je tri studentska rada nagrađena Rektorovom nagradom kao i studentskih radova nagrađenih od strane European Mineralogical Union i Hrvatskog geološkog društva.
Član je Senata (trenutno u svom trećem mandatu) i Vijeća prirodoslovnog područja (treći mandat) Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, predsjednik je Vijeća prirodoslovnog područja u dva mandata, u dva mandata je obnašao dužnost pročelnika Geološkog odsjeka PMF-a kao i druge dužnosti (zamjenik pročelnika (2 mandata), o.d. pročelnika, predstojnik Mineraloško-petrografskog zavoda (2 mandata). Bio je član Povjerenstva za izdavaštvo, Etičkog povjerenstva i Povjerenstva za zaštitu dostojanstva zaposlenika PMF-a te izrade Strategije PMF-a kao i sveučilišnog povjerenstva za izradu Statuta SuZg. Kao jedan od koordinatora i član povjerenstva na Geološkom odsjeku sudjelovao u izradi studijskog programa za Preddiplomski studij Geologija i Preddiplomski studij Znanosti o okolišu PMF-a te Diplomski studij Geologije.
U znanstvenim istraživanjima bavi se petrologijom i geokemijom magmatskih i metamorfnih stijena s naglaskom na istraživanja akcesornih minerala, geotermobarometriji i rekonstrukciji P-T-t evolucijskih puteva magmatskih i metamorfnih stijena i s time povezanih geodinamskih procesa. Kao voditelj znanstvenih istraživanja vodio je bilateralne projekte i suradnje s Mađarskom, Austrijom, Njemačkom i Slovačkom te kompetitivne projekte (MZT/MZOŠ, HRZZ) kao i projekt međunarodne znanstvene suradnje s Kinom (University of Beijing, voditelj međunarodnog dijela istraživačkog tima) te voditelj projektne grupe za tomografska mjerenja na sinhrotronu Elettra u Trstu. Boravio je na više usavršavanja u inozemstvu te je tom prilikom održao pozvana predavanja u znanstvenim institucijama u Njemačkoj, Austriji, Mađarskoj, Srbiji i Slovačkoj. Do sada je kao autor ili u koautorstvu objavio 50 znanstvenih radova u znanstvenim časopisima uglavnom prve i druge kvartile, prezentirao oko 130 radova na međunarodnim znanstvenim skupovima, te objavio veći broj radova kao poglavlja u knjigama, priručnicima i vodičima terenskih ekskurzija.
Recenzent je radova za više od 20 međunarodnih znanstvenih časopisa, recenzent sveučilišnih udžbenika te član znanstvenih panela i recenzent projekata u inozemstvu (Slovačka, Slovenija, Mađarska) i Republici Hrvatskoj. Bio je član organizacijskih, programskih i znanstvenih odbora međunarodnih znanstvenih skupova kao i domaćih kongresa. Član je uredničkog odbora znanstvenih časopisa Geologia Croatica, Geologica Carpathica i Glasnika Zemaljskog muzeja BiH. Član je Nacionalnog povjerenstva za Svjetske geoparkove UNESCO-a, član ekspertne skupine Parka prirode Papuk, panelist, vrednovatelj i neovisni stručnjak prirodoslovnog područja Hrvatske zaklade za znanost, recenzent Ministarstva znanosti i obrazovanja za Državne nagrade za znanost, član je American Geophysical Union (AGU), European Geoscience Union (EGU), European Association of Geochemistry i Hrvatskog geološkog društva (u dva mandata bio je član Upravnog odbora HGD kao i uredničkog odbora časopisa Vijesti HGD-a). Bio je u više navrata evaluator za nagrade Outstanding Students Awards pri EGU i AGU. Nagrađen je dva puta nagradom znanstvenog časopisa Geologia Croatica za doprinos kvaliteti časopisa (Certificate of Outstanding Contribution 2019 i 2021) kao i priznanjem za izniman doprinos radu Hrvatskog geološkog društva u 2023. godini. Dobitnik je Nagrade za znanstvenu djelatnost radnika u znanstvenim ili znanstveno-nastavnim zvanjima PMF-a 2024. godine. Urednik, suradnik i autor je članaka za Opću i nacionalnu enciklopediju u 20 knjiga. Vodio je više od deset stručnih projekata iz područja geologije. Aktivan je u popularizaciji znanosti s predavanjima, publikacijama te istupima u medijima.
Magmatic nanogranitoids in the Late Cretacous zircon from Slavonian Mts. (Croatia)
Late Cretaceous peraluminous collisional granites from the Sava Suture Zone (Moslavačka Gora, Croatia): geochemical variability, source characteristics and geotectonic interpretation
Inclusions in magmatic zircon from Slavonian mountains (eastern Croatia): anatase, kumdykolite and kokchetavite and implications for the magmatic evolution
Microtextural relations and genesis of garnet from Srednja rijeka quarry (Mt. Moslavačka gora)
Triassic-Jurassic ophiolites of Dinaridic Ozren and Borja-Mahnjača massifs in Bosnia and Herzegovina: Mineralogy, geochronology, and P-T estimates from subducted sole
Geochemistry and microtextural characteristics of garnet from the Variscan medium- to high-grade metamorphic complex of Mt. Papuk (Croatia)
Roles and perspectives of A- and I-type magmas in rare earth element and gold mineralization
The significance of nanogranites in the evolution of the continental crust - the example of the Slavonian Mountains
Tracing widespread Early Miocene ignimbrite eruptions and petrogenesis at the onset of the Carpathian-Pannonian Region silicic volcanism
Uklopci taljevine s polimorfnim modifikacijama u magmatskom cirkonu sa slavonskih planina
Evidence of Vertical Slab Tearing in the Late Triassic Qinling Orogen (Central China) From Multiproxy Geochemical and Isotopic Imaging
Geoheritage and geotourism in the Papuk UNESCO Geopark (Croatia) at its key locality Rupnica - the “First Croatian Geological Monument of Nature”
Petrogeneza i radiometrijska starost gornjokrednog kiselog magmatizma slavonskih planina i njegov značaj u interpretaciji geodinamskih procesa Savske zone
Zoned and atoll garnet from the Slavonian Mountains (Croatia) and their significance for the evolution of a complex polymetamorphic terrane
Petrochronological study of chloritoid schist from Medvednica Mountain (Zagorje Mid-Transdanubian zone, Croatia)
Cretaceous Volcanic Rock Geosites of the Papuk UNESCO Global Geopark (Croatia): Scientific Aspect of Geoheritage in Geoeducation, Geotourism and Geoconservation
Značaj granata u interpretaciji složene evolucije polimetamorfnih terena u Slavoniji
The Norian magmatic rocks of Jabuka, Brusnik and Vis Islands (Croatia) and their bearing on the evolution of Triassic magmatism in the Northern Mediterranean
Studija infracrvenog spektra turmalina Moslavačke gore (Hrvatska) iz područja O-H istezanja: značaj fluida u gornjokrednoj magmatskoj evoluciji kompleksne zone konvergencije Adrija-Europa
Petrographic analysis of phenocrysts from acid volcanic rocks near Voćin (Mt. Papuk)
Geological component of terroir of the Nature Park Papuk red wines
Dating and geochemistry of zircon and apatite from rhyolite at the UNESCO geosite Rupnica (Mt. Papuk, northern Croatia) and the relationship to the Sava Zone
Perspectives on the Early Miocene silicic volcanism of the Carpathian-Pannonian Region
Institutions of higher educationas partners in research, inventorying and protection of geological heritage: the example of Moslavačka Gora
3D characterization of garnet from metamorphic sole amphibolite of ophiolite from the central Dinarides
Pressure–temperature–time constraints on the evolution of epidote-bearing albite granite from Mt. Medvednica (Croatia): Further evidence of the Middle Triassic opening of the Neotethys Ocean
The scientific value of geological heritage: on the eve of the 75th anniversary of the declaration of Rupnica as the first protected Geological Monument of Nature in Croatia
Correlation of illite Kübler indices and results of Raman spectroscopy of carbonaceous material from metasedimentary rocks from NW Croatia
Petrogeneza vrpčastih amfibolita Moslavačke gore
Silent organ pipes - evidence of the violent volcanic past
Rapid uplift of Late Cretaceous acidic magma from northern Croatia deciphered by studying inclusions in zircon using Raman spectroscopy
Mesozoic subduction-related metamorphic record from amphibolites of Sava zone: Moslavačka Gora (Croatia)
P-T-t constraints on the evolution of albite granite from the Medvednica Mts. (Croatia)
The P-T-t Variscan metamorphic path at Mt. Papuk (Croatia, Tisia Mega-Unit)
Petrološke značajke granitoidnih stijena kamenoloma "Zebrato" (zapadni Papuk)
Occurrence and significance of pumpellyite blasts from the greenschists of the Mt. Medvednica (Croatia)
Two contrasting P-T paths for metamorphic sole amphibolites of the Dinaride Ophiolite Zone (Krivaja-Konjuh ultramafic massif, Central Bosnia and Herzegovina) and their geodynamic implications
The Late Cretaceous A-type alkali-feldspar granite from Mt. Požeška Gora (N Croatia): Potential marker of fast magma ascent in the Europe–Adria suture zone
The characteristics of polished stone implements on the territory of the Sopot culture in the eastern part of Croatia
The polished stone implements from Stari Perkovci-Debela Šuma locality (near Đakovo, eastern Croatia)- typology, technology and mineralogical-petrographical analyses
Mica megacrysts from igneous rocks of Šandrovac quarry (Mt. Papuk)
High-temperature acid magmatic rocks from the Late Cretaceous suture zone between European plate and Adria microplate (Croatia)
Variscan monazite ages and peak metamorphic P-T conditions recorded in gneiss/migmatite from the Pannonian Basin Basement (Mt. Papuk, Croatia)
Cretaceous rift-related magmatism in the suture zone of Adria microplate and European plate (Slavonian Mts., Croatia)
Geological component of terroir of the Nature Park Papuk red wines
Mineralogical-petrological analysis of lithic artefacts from archaeological locality Stari Perkovci-Debela šuma (Croatia)
Traces of the Late Cretaceous to Paleogene Collision in the Dinarides: Evidence from Sandstone Petrography and Geochemistry
Kelyphitic microstructures from orogenic garnet-bearing rocks of the Dinaride ophiolite zone
Clockwise and counterclockwise P–T paths of ophiolite-related metamorphic sole rocks from the Krivaja-Konjuh ultramafic massif of the Dinaride Ophiolite Zone, Central Bosnia and Herzegovina
From magmatic stoping to hybridization: snapshots of granite emplacement processes and interactions in a shallow crustal magma chamber
Cretaceous alkali magmatism within Slavonian Mts. (Mts. Požeška Gora and Papuk)
Cordierite-producing reactions in anatectic rocks from Moslavačka Gora (Croatia)
Coeval magmatism in the Cretaceous in a zone between the European and Adria plates in Croatia: same source of alkali magmatism?
Detrital signatures of the Late Cretaceous to Paleogene Adria-Europe collision in the Dinarides
Petrography of Kutjevo diorite
Permian pyroxenite dykes in harzburgite with signatures of the mantle, subduction channel and accretionary wedge evolution (Austroalpine Unit, Eastern Alps)
Petrographic analysis of the albite rhyolite from the Rupnica locality
Petrographic analysis of the graphite schist from the Kutjevo area
Permian pyroxenite dykes in a harzburgite associated with eclogites (Austroalpine Unit, Eastern Alps): origin and and tectono-metamorphic evolution constrained by zircon U–Pb ages
Alpine metamorphism of low-grade schists from the Slavonian Mountains (Croatia): new P-T and geochronological constraints
Granatski amfiboliti kao indikatori uvjeta metamorfizma u Krivajsko-konjuškom ultramafitnom masivu
REE and trace elements patterns of apatite from a diorite at Mt. Papuk, Croatia
Morphology of zircons from the Pannonian Basin basement (Croatia) as a tracer of hot magma chambers
Ages and Trace Element Patterns of Apatite and Zircon in a Diorite from the Mt. Papuk metamorphic complex (Pannonian Basin Basement in Croatia, CE Europe)
Geokemijska varijabilnost sastava granata iz metamorfnih kompleksa Papuka
Microtectonic study on the eastern slopes of Miroč Mt. – preliminary results
P-T uvjeti i geneza tinjčevih škriljavaca s izdanaka Psunjskog metamorfnog kompleksa na Papuku
P-T put metamorfnih stijena amfibolitnog facijesa iz Dinaridske ofiolitne zone
Geneza granita Požeške gore na temelju petrografije te morfoloških, kemijskih i spektroskopskih značajki cirkona
Analysis and interpretation of accessory minerals from granitoide pebbles from Plavičevica (Banovina) conglomerate
Clay minerals as thermal history indicators of Inner Dinarides lithologies from the surroundings of Hrvatska Kostajnica (Croatia)
From Compression to Extension: Cretaceous A-type Granite as Indicator of Geodynamic Changes in the Adria Part of the European Neotethys Suture Zone
P-T paths of ophiolite-related metamorphic rocks from the Dinaride ophiolite zone in Bosnia
Geodinamska evolucija metasedimentnih stijena niskog stupnja metamorfizma na Medvednici
Exsolution, corona and symplectite textures of Permian pyroxenite dykes in harzburgite (Austroalpine unit, Eastern Alps): P-T estimates from a subducted mantle fragment
Zircon grains in A-type granite and their inclusions as recorder of upper mantle conditions in the Croatian segment of the Late Cretaceous collisional zone between Europe and Adria
Petrologic and zircon U–Pb SIMS geochronologic constraints of Permian extension and Cretaceous subduction in the Austroalpine basement, Austria
A Cretaceous A-type granite from the Europe-Adria collisional zone: a marker of geodynamic changes
A P-T path for amphibolites from the metamorphic sole of the Dinaride ophiolite zone in Bosnia
Investigation of chlorite schists (pietra ollare) by IR-spectroscopy and thermal analysis
Petrography of granitoid rock from Mladi Gay qarry (Papuk)
Microtectonics and petrography of mylonites from southern parts of Mt. Moslavačka Gora
Metamorphic evolution of low grade metamorphic chloritoid schist on Mt. Medvednica
Microtectonic-assisted P-T determination on low-grade Alpine metamorphic rocks from the “Tisia Mega-Unit” of the Slavonian Mountains in Croatia
Mineral assemblages of medium- to high-grade metapelite from Koturić Potok (Mt. Papuk)
Tracing Late Cretaceous geodynamics in the Dinarides from mixed siliciclastic-carbonate detritus of synorogenic basins
Microscopic features of metapelite from western Mt. Papuk
Soil, bark and leaf trace metal loads related to the war legacy (The Prašnik rainforest, Croatia)
Microtectonic and geothermobarometric constraints on Alpine metamorphism of low-grade schists from the Slavonian Mts., Croatia
Geological evidence of previous habitability on the surface of Mars
Evidence from chloritoid schists for muli-stage metamorphism in the Mt. Medvednica area (Zagorje Mid Transdanubian zone, N Croatia)
Metamorphism of pelitic rocks from southern parts of Ravna Gora (Mt. Papuk)
Garnet-bearing exolution, symplectite and corona textures in clinopyroxenite dikes from a harzburgite associated with eclogites (Austroalpine Sieggraben complex); P-T estimates
Petrološke i mikrotektonske značajke stijena niskog stupnja metamorfizma na Medvednici
Geneza stijena niskog stupnja metamorfizma zapadnog Papuka
Petrogenesis of granites and medium-to-high-grade metamorphism rocks in the Puklica Quarry (Đulovac, Mt. Papuk)
Petrogeneza migmatita i granita zapadnog Papuka
Geologija Papuka
Repetitio est mater studiorum: Do the orogeneses repeat their P-T patterns through the metamorphism in the Slavonian Mts. (Tisia Mega-Unit)?
New data on igneous rocks in the Adriatic Sea: a possible indicator of the the Pangea Supercontinent disintegration
Geneza različitih pojavnih oblika turmalina iz granitoidnih stijena Moslavačke gore
Geological section Nježić - Badennian marine sediments with tuff
Zircon morphology - application in the geological research
Collision-related Early Paleozoic evolution of a crustal fragment from the northern Gondwana margin (Slavonian Mountains, Tisia Mega-Unit, Croatia): Reconstruction of the P–T path, timing and paleotectonic implications
Sillimanite zone in micaschists from Mt Papuk as the indicator of metamorphic conditions
Volcanic rocks at Voćin volcanic body and columnar jointing at Rupnica Geosite
Metasedimentary rocks from southeastern slopes of Mt. Medvednica, (Zagorje-Mid-Transdanubian zone, Croatia), conclusions from investigation of chloritoid schists
Pietra ollare (chlorite-schist) artefacts from Červar Porat (Istria, Croatia) – comparison with possible source rocks
Very low- to low-grade metamorphism of Radlovac Complex, Mt. Papuk
Infrared study of O-H stretching region in the nodular and disseminated dravite-schorl series tourmalines from Moslavačka gora (Croatia)
Basic and acid volcanism of Mt. Papuk on the geosite Trešnjevica Quarry and Voćin volcanic body
Occurrences of igneous rocks in the Adriatic Sea: a possible indicator of the Paleozoic supercontinent disintegration
Cretaceous evolution of the Adria-Europe plate boundary: succession of events recorded in granites and enclaves of the Moslavačka Gora (Croatia)
Uvjeti geneze zona u progradnom metamorfnom kompleksu zapadnog Papuka
Development of columnar jointing in albite rhyolite in a rapidly cooling volcanic environment (Rupnica, Papuk Geopark, Croatia)
Spektrofotometrijsko određivanje količine Fe u uzorcima graševine iz istočne Slavonije
Petrological, phase equilibrium and geochronological studies on the metamorphic rocks of the Slavonian Mts., NE Croatia: pre-Variscan to Alpine polymetamorphic history of a Variscan(?) unit
Microstructural, geothermobarometric and geochronological constraints on the complex Alpine collisional history recorded on the low-grade „Psunj Complex“ metamorphic rocks of the Slavonian Mts. (Croatia)
Microstructural development of prograde metamorphic sequence from Mt. Papuk (Croatia)
Petrography of chlorite schists from Psunj metamorphic complex
Sequence of deformation phases recorded in the low-grade metamorphic rocks of western Mt. Papuk (Croatia)
Igneous and metamorphic evolution of the southeastern margin of Cretaceous Europe: following various leads from crystalline rocks, enclaves and accessory minerals through bordering mobile zones and the Tisia microplate
Tenerife – volcanic island
Phase equilibrium, geothermobarometric and xenotime age dating constraints on the Alpine metamorphism recorded in chloritoid schists from the southern part of the Tisia Mega-Unit(Slavonian Mts., NE Croatia)
Petrographic features of chloritoid schist from southeastern slopes of Mt. Medvednica, (Zagorje-Mid-Transdanubian zone, Croatia)
Petrography of olivine nephelinite from Rossberg (Germany)
Strane i kognatne enklave u krednim granitoidima Moslavačke gore: mikrostrukturni i geokemijski uvid u kompleksnu evoluciju moslavačkog kristalina
Provenance of Palaeozoic very low- to low-grade metasedimentary rocks of south Tisia (Slavonian Mountains, Radlovac complex, Croatia)
Crystallochemical research of phyllosilicates and their application in the interpretation of geological processes
Copper and Zinc Fractionation in Apple Orchard Soil in the Village of Bukevje (Croatia) Using the Revised Four-Step BCR Extraction Procedure
A distinct tectono-metamorphic evolution at the southern edge of Tisia Mega-Unit revealed by monazite and xenotime age dating
Modelling the complex metamorphic evolution inside a mobile zone on the south-eastern margin of Cretaceous Europe (Moslavačka Gora, Croatia)
Petrografske značajke efuzivnih stijena s područja kamenoloma Trešnjevica (Papuk)
Petrography of shoshonite from Lončarski Vis
Modeliranje P – T uvjeta stabilnost mineralnih parageneza u gnajsu Moslavačke gore
P-T pseudosections from Tisia Mega-Unit metamorphic rocks exposed along the Kutjevačka Rijeka transect (Mt. Papuk, Croatia)
Petrography of volcanic rocks from Halap locality (Hungary)
A 3D snapshot from granitic system: Tourmaline nodules and their bearing on the granite evolution
Petrography of volcanic rock 9c from Trešnjevica Quarry (Papuk)
Modeliranje p-T uvjeta stabilnosti mineralnih parageneza u migmatitu Moslavačke gore
Zeolites – diagenetic to low-grade metamorphic minerals and the environmental application of their molecular sieving potential
Contrasting tourmaline types from peraluminous granites : a case study from Moslavačka Gora (Croatia)
Petrographic, geochemical and geochronological investigation on granitic pebbles from Permotriassic metasediments of the Tisia terrain (eastern Papuk, Croatia)
Petrography of volcanic rock no. 6 (Trešnjevica Quarry, Nature Park Papuk)
Evolution of Columnar Joint Polygonal Patterns at Rupnica Geosite (Papuk Geopark, Croatia)
Tragom evolucije granita na razmeđi velikih geotektonskih cjelina: o izvorištu i smještavanju kroz geokemijske značajke enklava i granita
Petrography and provenance of Early Miocene conglomerates from Medvednica Mt. (Pannonian Basin, Croatia)
Petrography of volcanic rock from "Trešnjevica" locality (Papuk Mt.)
Garnet group minerals from the amphibolite facies metamorphic rocks of Krivaja-Konjuh ultramafic massif in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Tourmaline nodules – products of devolatilization within the final evolutionary stage of granitic melt?
LP-HT signature from the Adria-Europe plate boundary realm: The role of mantle/crust interaction in granite generation
Petrographic characteristics of schistose marble (cipolino) from Adolfovac area, Medvednica
Petrografske značajke i porijeklo starije miocenskih konglomerata iz Čučerja
Turning mineral grains into voxels: destructive tomographic techniques reveal the true nature of a peculiar granitic rock texture in 3D
Geological hertitage of the Papuk Geopark
Contrasting P-T-t paths from the basement of the Tisia Unit (Slavonian Mts., NE Croatia): application of quantitative phase diagrams and monazite age dating
K-Ar ages versus grain size and illite Kübler index: a case study of parametamorphic rocks from eastern Mt.Papuk, Croatia
Geological heritage of the Krapina-Zagorje County
The Moslavačka Gora crystalline massif in Croatia: A Cretaceous heat dome within remnant Ordovician granitoid crust
Petrographic characteristics of greenschist rocks near Runolist mountain hut, Medvednica
Eoalpine (Cretaceous) very low- to low-grade metamorphism recorded on illite-muscovite-rich fraction of metasediments from South Tisia (eastern Mt Papuk, Croatia)
Geochronological, geochemical and metamorphic framework of the Moslavačka Gora Massif (Croatia)
Complex Cretaceous evolution of the Moslavačka Gora crystalline: different aspects from various types of “foreign” and “cognate” enclaves inside granites
Devonian-Carboniferous pre-flysch and flysch environments in the Circum Pannonian Region
Alkali feldspar microtextures from Pogari formation granite pebbles (Middle Bosnia)
Petrography of granites from Križevna bukva locality, E Medvednica
Variscan high-T and Cretaceous low-T monazite in granitoid pebbles of the Permotriassic sequence, Papuk, Croatia
Zircons in Variscan granites from the Slavonian Mountains, Croatia
Tracing evolution of peraluminous granitoids through contrasting tourmaline types
Tourmaline nodules – 3D insight into late-stage boron separation from granite melt
Alpine (Cretaceous) very low- to low-grade metamorphism recorded on illite fraction from South Tisia (eastern Mt. Papuk, Croatia
Pietra ollare artefacts from Červar Porat (Istria, Croatia): composition and possible origin
Order and disorder in columnar joints of Rupnica Geosite (Papuk Geopark)
Trešnjevica Geosite - "volcano traces from the past"
Tourmaline nodule distribution, shape and internal structure: 3D study of granite texture revealed by serial sectioning tomography
Geological Heritage of Moslavačka Gora
Stupanj termalnih promjena stijena na području Marijagoričkih brda
Distribution of copper and zinc in the soil of an industrial zone in the city of Garešnica, Croatia
Distribution of copper and zinc in the soil of an industrial zone in the city of Garešnica, Croatia
Chronology of martian meteorite genesis and the evolution of the planet's interior
Soil magnetic properties as indicators of mine fields in Bosnia and Herzegovina
The origin of granites and their geodynamic environments
Petrografske značajke kloritoidnih škriljavaca Medvednice
Porijeklo materijala, starost i stupanj metamorfizma Radlovačkog metamorfnog kompleksa
Modal and zircon typology analyses as provenance indicator of Late Miocene sands from Vrtlinska locality (Moslavačka Gora, SW Pannonian Basin, Croatia)
Hydrothermal vents: A link to life on deep ocean seafloor
Preliminary results on degree of thermal alteration recorded in the eastern part of Mt. Papuk, Slavonia, Croatia
Volcanic eruptions and their impact on the environment
Papuk Geopark
Kisele magmatske stijene u području Križevne Bukve (istočna Medvednica)
Alkalno-bazaltni vulkanizam i petrologija gornjeg miocena u zapadnom Panonskom bazenu
Devonian-Carboniferous pre-flysch and flysch environments in the Circum Pannonian Region
Origin and microstructure of K-feldspar megacrysts from Cretaceous granite (Pannonian Basin, Croatia)
Pietra ollare artefacts from Červar Porat (Istria, Croatia)
Petrology of the oceanic crust
Geochemistry and provenance of metasedimentary rocks of the Radlovac metamorphic complex, Papuk, Croatia
Značajke granitnih valutica unutar konglomerata Pogari formacije srednje Bosne
Geochemical characteristics of Alpine granitoid rocks from the SW part of the Pannonian Basin
The Moslavacka Gora Massif in Croatia
Clay minerals in zeolite deposit of Poljanska, Croatia
Pressure shadows as indicators of shearing
Tourmaline nodules - product of devolatilization during final stage of granite melt evolution?
Tourmaline nodules as devolatilization products of final evolutionary stage of granitic melt
Značajke granitoidnih valutica iz konglomerata Kalnika
New data on metamorphic event in the eastern part of Mt. Papuk, Slavonia, Croatia
Park prirode Papuk - mogući europski geopark?
Revealing hidden ages: The Cretaceous very low- to low-grade metamorphism recorded on illite fraction (Mt. Papuk)
Pre-Variscan Barrovian metamorphism in the eastern part of the Slavonian Mountains, Tisia Unit (NE Croatia) : Application of quantitative phase diagrams and monazite age dating
Mafitne magmatske stijene u području Križevne Bukve (istočna Medvednica)
Pietra ollare Artefact from Červar Porat (Istria, Croatia)
Geochronology, metamorphic evolution and geochemistry of granitoids of the Moslavačka Gora Massif (Croatia)
K-Ar dating of Cretaceous metamorphism recorded in the eastern part of Mt. Papuk, Slavonia, Croatia
Petrološki i stratigrafski razvoj Mjeseca kao ključ Zemljine najranije prošlosti
Clay minerals as indicators of thermal history of Palaeozoic rocks from Marija Hills, NW Croatia
A record of pre-Variscan Barrovian regional metamorphism in the eastern part of the Slavonian Mountains (NE Croatia)
Geochemistry, Geochronology and Metamorphic Evolution of the Moslavačka Gora Massif (Croatia)
Interaction between Permo-Triassic rifting, magmatism and initiation of the Adriatic-Dinaridic carbonate platform (ADCP)
Eklogiti i njihova uloga u geodinamskoj evoluciji
Determination of Thermal Alterations in Metapelites from the "Radlovac Formation" (Slavonian Mts.) Using Illite Kübler Index, Chlorite "Crystallinity" and Vitrinite Reflectance: Preliminary Results
Reconstructing Pre-Alpine Europe: The Signifi cance of the Palaeozoic Granitic Rocks
7th Workshop on Alpine Geological Studies - Abstracts book
Croatian - Austrian Student Excursion in Mineralogy and Petrology: Slavonian Mts. Area
Zircon typology in crystalline rocks of Moslavačka Gora (Croatia) – preliminary petrogenetic insight from transmitted light (TL) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM)
New K-Ar Age Data on the Alpine, Low-temperature Regional Metamorphism of Mt. Medvednica (Croatia)
Modern research trends in geochemistry, mineralogy and petrology
Jabuka shoal, a new location with igneous rocks in the Adriatic Sea
K-Ar and Ar-Ar dating of the Palaeozoic metamorphic complex from the Mid-Bosnian Schist Mts., Central Dinarides, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Alpine ophiolite-related amphibolites from the metamorphic sole of the Krivaja-Konjuh ultramafic massif (Dinaride Ophiolite Zone, Bosnia)
Hloriti u amfibolitskom kompleksu na južnom obodu krivajsko-konjuškog ultramafitskog masiva
Hemijska istraživanja granata iz metamorfnih stijena južnog oboda krivajsko-konjuškog ultramafitnog masiva
The Moslavačka Gora Massif in Croatia: part of a Late Cretaceous high-heat-flow zone in the Alpine-Balkan-Carpathian-Dinaride collision belt
Diagenesis and low-temperature metamorphism of Mt. Medvednica, Croatia: Mineral assemblages and phyllosilicate characteristics
Application of the X-ray powder diffraction method in the provenance study of polished stone tools
A preliminary contribution to the petrography of the polished stone tools of Croatia
Present state of research in South Tisia, Croatia (Mt. Moslavačka Gora and Slavonian Mts.)
Determination of thermal alterations in samples from the Radlovac formation (Slavonian Mts.) using illite and chlorite "crystallinity" indices
New data on the diagenesis and low-temperature metamorphism of Mt. Medvednica: mineral assemblages, phyllosilicate characteristics and organic maturity
Chlorites from amphibolite complex of southern parts of Krivaja Konjuh ultramafic massif
The geothermobarometry of Variscan medium-grade metamorphic rocks from the Kutjevačka Rijeka (Slavonian Mts., Croatia)
Contribution to the knowledge on the low-temperature metamorphism of Mt. Medvednica, Croatia
Mikrostrukturne značajke metamorfnih stijena Kutjevačke rijeke
Grosse Geologische Exkursion Alpen - Dinariden
Petrološka analiza plavih škriljavaca Medvednice
Analiza mineralnih parageneza iz mramora potoka Zorovac, Moslavačka gora
The Kamenjača olivine gabbro from Moslavačka Gora (South Tisia, Croatia)
Geothermobarometry of Variscan medium-grade metamorphic rocks from Slavonian Mts. (Croatia)
The geothermobarometry of Alpine amphibolites from the metamorphic sole of the Krivaja-Konjuh ultramafic massif (Dinaride Ophiolite Zone, Bosnia)
Corundum-bearing amphibolites from the metamorphic basement of the Krivaja - Konjuh ultramafic massif (Dinaride Ophiolite Zone, Bosnia)
Origin and geodynamic evolution of Late Paleogene magmatic associations along the Periadriatic-Sava-Vardar magmatic belt
New data on the low-temperature metamorphism of Mt. Medvednica and the Slavonian Mts. (Croatia)
Web edition of the Metamorphic Map and Database of Carpatho-Balkan-Dinaride Area (http://www.uni-tuebingen.de/geo/met-map/index.html)
Stone artifacts from site Samatovci in the Archaeological museum in Zagreb
Geodynamic and petrogenetic evolution of Alpine ophiolites from the central and NW Dinarides: an overview
Reminder of some conferences in the year 2002
Petrology and geochemistry of orthoamphibolites from the Variscan metamorphic sequences of the South Tisia in Croatia - an overview with geodynamic implications
Geology of terrestrial planets and moos in the Solar system
A new contribution to the geochronology of Mt. Moslavačka Gora (Croatia)
Polished stone artefacts from Sopot culture site Samatovci in Slavomia region
Metamorphic sole amphibolites from the Dinaride Ophiolite Zone (DOZ) and Sava- Vardar Zone (SVZ) of Dinarides
Two-stage evolution of the Alpine Dinaridic ophiolites
Petrology and geochemistry of Egerian-Eggenburgian and Badenian tholeiite-calc-alkaline volcanics from the South Pannonian Basin
Tertiary magmatism of the Dinarides and the adjoining South Pannonian Basin
Tertiary shoshonite volcanic associations from the adjacent areas of the South Pannonian Basin and Dinarides
Metamorphic sole amphibolites from the Dinaride Ophiolite Zone (DOZ) and Sava-Vardar Zone (SVZ) of Dinarides
Tertiary magmatism of the Dinarides and the adjoining South Pannonian Basin
Two-stage evolution of the Alpine Dinaridic ophiolites
Polyphase metamorphic evolution of the Mid-Bosnian Schist Mts. (MBSM) Paleozoic complex from the Central Dinarides (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
Polished stone artefacts from Sopot culture site Samatovci in Slavonia region
Polyphase metamorphic evolution of the Mid-Bosnian Schist Mts. (MBSM) Paleozoic complex from the Central Dinarides (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
The clinopyroxene crystallization pressure variations from the Alpine volcanic associations of the Dinarides
Geochemistry of Amphibolites from the Moslavačka gora and Slavonian Mountains (Northern Croatia)
The Succession of Metamorphic Parageneses in Mineral Assemblage from Marble - Creek Zorovac (Moslavačka gora, Northern Croatia)
The Oligocene Maglaj shoshonite and high-K calc-alkaline volcanics
Geochemical and Mineralogical Characteristics of Miocene Volcanoclastics Rocks from the North-Western Croatia
The Chemographic Relations Between Minerals in Metagabbros from Moslavačka gora (Northern Croatia)
Compositional Zoning in Minerals from Metamorphic Sequences of the South Tisia in Croatia
Lower Oligocene K-Ar ages of high-K calc-alkaline and shoshonite rocks from the North Dinarides in Bosnia
Origin of amphibolites and amphibole-bearing schists of crystalline complex Moslavačka gora (Croatia)
Metamorfne reakcije u amfibolskim stijenama Moslavačke gore
Compositional and optical zonation in amphibole-bearing schists (Moslavačka gora - Croatia)
Compositional zoning in amphibole from amphibole bearing parageneses of west Psunj (Croatia): evidence for progressive metamorphism?
Intergrowth of hyalophane and quartz from Busovača, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Implications of Expected Climatic Changes for the Cres-Lošinj Islands
Hedyphane from Nežilovo, Macedonia
Zn-rich magnetoplumbite from Nežilovo, Macedonia