Znanstveni skupovi i konferencije


Mjesto održavanja

Vrijeme održavanja

2025. godina
Zagreb Logic Conference 2025 Zagreb, Hrvatska 14. – 17. veljača 2025.

2024. godina

Quantum groups and  Lie groups Zagreb, Hrvatska 25. – 26. rujan 2024.


12th Conference on Applied

Mathematics and Scientific Computing
Dubrovnik, Hrvatska 23. – 27. rujan 2024.
Dubrovnik X - Topology & Dynamical Systems Dubrovnik, Hrvatska 24. – 28. lipanj 2024.
The Quest for the Hidden Simplicity of Noncommutative Harmonic Analysis and Representation Theory Zagreb, Hrvatska 24. – 28. lipanj 2024.
Combinatorial Constructions Conference Dubrovnik, Hrvatska 7. – 13. travanj 2024.
Multi-scale methods for reactive flow and transport in complex elastic media Dubrovnik, Hrvatska 19. – 22. ožujak 2024.
Zagreb Logic Conference 2024 Zagreb, Hrvatska 12. – 15. siječanj 2024.

2023. godina

Vertex Algebras, Infinite Dimensional Lie Algebras and Related Topics Rim, Italija 11. – 15. prosinac 2023.

The Seventh Najman Conference on Spectral Theory and Differential Equations

Brijuni, Hrvatska

18. – 23. rujan 2023.

Modular curves and Galois representations

Zagreb, Hrvatska

18. – 22. rujan 2023.

Twentieth International Conference on Computability and Complexity in Analysis

Dubrovnik, Hrvatska

7. – 9. rujan 2023.

Representation Theory XVIII

Dubrovnik, Hrvatska

18. lipanj – 1. srpanj 2023.

2022. godina

Representation Theory XVII

Dubrovnik, Hrvatska

3. – 8. listopad 2022.


11th Conference on Applied

Mathematics and Scientific Computing

Brijuni, Hrvatska

5. – 9. rujan 2022.

Analysis, PDEs and Applications

Celebrating 60th anniversary of professor Nenad Antonić

Dubrovnik, Hrvatska

19. – 25. lipanj 2022.

2020. godina

Zagreb Workshop on Operator Theory 2020

Zagreb (online), Hrvatska

29. – 30. lipanj 2020.

20th Central European Conference on Cryptology Zagreb, Hrvatska 24. – 26. lipanj 2020.

2019. godina

Sixteenth International Conference on Computability and Complexity in Analysis

Zagreb, Hrvatska

8. – 11. srpanj 2019.

The 11th international conference on Extreme Value Analysis

Zagreb, Hrvatska

1. – 5. srpanj 2019.

Representation Theory XVI

Dubrovnik, Hrvatska

24. – 29. lipanj 2019.

Probability, Analysis, and Applicationsv

Zagreb, Hrvatska

12. – 14. lipanj 2019.

Geometric and automorphic aspects of W-algebras

Lille, Francuska

27. – 31. svibanj 2019.

ECME International workshop

Enhancing connections in mathematics education

Zagreb, Hrvatska

24. – 25. siječanj 2019.

2018. godina

Workshop on vertex algebras

And infinite-dimensional Lie algebras

Split, Hrvatska

22. – 24. studeni 2018.

Zagreb Dynamical Systems Workshop 2018

Zagreb, Hrvatska

22. – 26. listopad 2018.


Ninth Conference on Applied

Mathematics and Scientific Computing

Šibenik, Hrvatska

17. – 20. rujan 2018.

Torsion groups and Galois representations of elliptic curves

Zagreb, Hrvatska

25. – 29. lipanj 2018.

Vertex algebras and related topics

Zagreb, Hrvatska

24. – 27. svibanj 2018.

2017. godina

Affine, Vertex and W-algebras

Rim, Italija

11. – 15. prosinac, 2017.

The Fifth Najman Conference on Spectral Theory and Differential Equations

Opatija, Hrvatska

10. – 15. rujan 2017.

Representation Theory XV

Dubrovnik, Hrvatska

18. – 25. lipanj 2017.

2016. godina

International conference on generalised functions

Dubrovnik, Hrvatska

4. – 9. rujan 2016.

International Workshop on PDEs: analysis and modelling

Celebrating 80th anniversary of professor Nedžad Limić

Zagreb, Hrvatska

19. – 22. lipanj 2016.

Šesti hrvatski matematički kongres

Zagreb, Hrvatska

14. – 17. lipanj 2016.

2015. godina

The Fourth Najman Conference on Spectral Problems for Operators and Matrices

Opatija, Hrvatska

20. – 25. rujan 2015.

Representation Theory XIV

Dubrovnik, Hrvatska

21. – 27. lipanj 2015.

2014. godina

Workshop on Number Theory and Algebra

on the occasion of 60th birthday of Ivica Gusić

Zagreb, Hrvatska

26. – 28. studeni 2014.

International Conference on Numerical and Mathematical Modeling of Flow and Transport in Porous Media

Dubrovnik, Hrvatska

29. rujan – 3. kolovoz 2014.

PDEs, Continuum Mechanics and Numerical Analysis

Dubrovnik, Hrvatska

26. – 30. svibanj 2014.

2013. godina

The Third Najman Conference on Spectral Problems for Operators and Matrices

Biograd, Hrvatska

16. – 20. rujan 2013.

Representation Theory XIII

Dubrovnik, Hrvatska

21. – 27. lipanj 2013.


8th Conference on Applied Mathematics and Scientific Computing

Šibenik, Hrvatska

10. – 14. lipanj 2013.

2011. godina

Summer School on Numerical Linear Algebra for Dynamical and High-Dimensional Problems

Trogir, Hrvatska

10. – 15. listopad 2011.

Workshop on quantitative spectral theory and mathematical physics

Murter, Hrvatska

14. – 18. rujan 2011.

Representation Theory XII

Dubrovnik, Hrvatska

19. – 26. lipanj 2011.

7th Conference on Applied Mathematics and Scientific Computing

Trogir, Hrvatska

13. – 17. lipanj 2011.

Algebraic Methods in Mathematical Physics

Zagreb, Hrvatska

20. – 21. svibanj 2011.

2010. godina

Multiscale Problems in Science and Technology. Challenges to Mathematical Analysis and Perspectives 3

Dubrovnik, Hrvatska

30. svibanj – 5. lipanj 2010.

Operators, Spaces, Algebras, Modules

Zagreb, Hrvatska

1. – 4. ožujak 2010.

2009. godina


Sixth Conference on Applied Mathematics and Scientific Computing

Zadar, Hrvatska

14. – 18. rujan 2009.

Representation Theory XI

Dubrovnik, Hrvatska

14. – 21. lipanj 2009.

The Second Najman Conference on Spectral Problems for Operators and Matrices

Dubrovnik, Hrvatska

10. – 17. svibanj 2009.

Representation Theory of Reductive Groups - Local and Global Aspects

Beč, Austrija

25. siječanj – 6. veljača 2009.

2008. godina

Scaling Up and Modeling for Transport and Flow in Porous Media

Dubrovnik, Hrvatska

13. – 16. listopad 2008.

Mathematical Inequalities and Applications 2008

Split / Trogir, Hrvatska

8. – 14. lipanj 2008.

Functional Analysis X

Dubrovnik, Hrvatska

29. svibanj – 5. lipanj 2008.

Četvrti hrvatski matematički kongres

Osijek, Hrvatska

17. – 20. svibanj 2008.

2007. godina

Multiscale problems in science and technology : challenges to mathematical analysis and perspectives 2

Brijuni, Zagreb

1. – 6. listopad 2007.

Seminar on Numerical Analysis and Geometric Integration

Zagreb, Hrvatska

7. rujan 2007.

Fifth Conference on Applied Mathematics and Scientific Computing

Brijuni, Hrvatska

9. – 13. srpanj 2007.

2005. godina

Fourth Conference on Applied Mathematics and Scientific Computing

Brijuni, Hrvatska

19. – 24. lipanj 2005.

International workshop on Wavelets and Frames

Terme Tuhelj, Hrvatska

30. svibanj – 1. lipanj 2005.

2004. godina

Treći hrvatski matematički kongres

Split, Hrvatska

16. – 18. lipanj 2004.

Functional Analysis IX

Dubrovnik, Hrvatska

15. – 23. lipanj 2004.

2003. godina

Conference on Applied Mathematics and Scientific Computing

Brijuni, Hrvatska

23. – 27. lipanj 2003.

Functional Analysis VIII

Dubrovnik, Hrvatska

15. – 22. lipanj 2003.

2002. godina

Geometric Topology II

Dubrovnik, Hrvatska

29. rujan – 5. listopad 2002.

2001. godina

Functional Analysis VII

Dubrovnik, Hrvatska

17. – 26. rujan 2001.

Summer School in Mathematical Finance

Dubrovnik, Hrvatska

17. – 22. rujan 2001.

Applied Mathematics and Scientific Computing

Dubrovnik, Hrvatska

4. – 9. lipanj 2001.

2000. godina

Multiscale Problems in Science and Technology. Challenges to Mathematical Analysis and Perspectives

Dubrovnik, Hrvatska

3. – 9. rujan 2000.

Drugi hrvatski matematički kongres

Zagreb, Hrvatska

15. – 17. lipanj 2000.

Memorial Conference for Branko Najman on Applied Analysis and Eigenvalue Problems

Dubrovnik, Hrvatska

22. – 27. svibanj 2000.

1999. godina

Conference on Applied Mathematics and Computation

Dubrovnik, Hrvatska

13. – 18. rujan 1999.