O djelatniku

izv. prof. dr. sc. Ilja Gogić

Zvanje: izvanredni profesor
Lokacija: A310
E-mail: E-mail
URL službenih stranica na Webu: https://web.math.pmf.unizg.hr/~ilja/
Zavod/služba: Zavod za matematičku analizu




integrirani prijediplomski i diplomski


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Objavljeni radovi u Hrvatskoj znanstvenoj bibliografiji

Local variants of the Dixmier property and weak centrality for C*-algebras

Archbold, Robert, J. ; Gogić, Ilja ; Robert, Leonel
izvorni znanstveni rad, International mathematics research notices, 2023.

The centre-quotient property and weak centrality for C*-algebras

Archbold, Robert, J. ; Gogić, Ilja
izvorni znanstveni rad, 2022.
International mathematics research notices

The cb-norm approximation of generalized skew derivations by elementary operators

Gogić, Ilja
izvorni znanstveni rad, Linear and multilinear algebra, 2021.

Centrally stable algebras

Gogić, Ilja
sažetak izlaganja sa skupa, 2020.

The centre-quotient property and weak centrality for C*-algebras

Gogić, Ilja
sažetak izlaganja sa skupa, 2020.

Gelfand-Mazur theorem and Fundamental theorem of algebra

Gogić, Ilja ; Tomašević, Mateo
stručni rad, 2020.

Elementary operators on Hilbert C*-modules

Gogić, Ilja
sažetak izlaganja sa skupa, 2020.

On the ideal structure of the tensor product of nearly simple algebras

Gogić, Ilja
izvorni znanstveni rad, Communications in algebra, 2020.

Elementary operators on Hilbert modules over prime C*-algebras

Arambašić, Ljiljana ; Gogić, Ilja
izvorni znanstveni rad, 2020.
Journal of mathematical analysis and applications

Centrally Stable Algebras

Brešar, Matej ; Gogić, Ilja
izvorni znanstveni rad, 2019.
Journal of algebra

Fiberwise two-sided multiplications on homogeneous C*-algebras

Gogić, Ilja
sažetak izlaganja sa skupa, 2018.

The closure of two-sided multiplications on C*- algebras and phantom line bundles

Gogić, Ilja ; Timoney, Richard M.
izvorni znanstveni rad, International mathematics research notices, 2018.

Fiberwise two-sided multiplications on homogeneous C*-algebras

Gogić, Ilja
sažetak izlaganja sa skupa, 2018.

On unital C(X)-algebras and C(X)-valued conditional expectations of finite index

Etienne, Blanchard ; Gogić, Ilja
izvorni znanstveni rad, Linear and multilinear algebra, 2016.

Two-sided multiplications and phantom line bundles

Gogić, Ilja
sažetak izlaganja sa skupa, 2016.

Generalized Skew Derivations Implemented by Elementary Operators

Eremita, Daniel ; Gogić, Ilja ; Ilišević, Dijana
izvorni znanstveni rad, Algebras and representation theory, 2014.

Derivations of subhomogeneous C*-algebras are implemented by local multipliers

Gogić, Ilja
izvorni znanstveni rad, 2013.
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society

On derivations and elementary operators on C*- algebras

Gogić, Ilja
izvorni znanstveni rad, 2013.
Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society

The local multiplier algebra of a C*-algebra with finite dimensional irreducible representations

Gogić, Ilja
izvorni znanstveni rad, Journal of mathematical analysis and applications, 2013.

Topologically finitely generated Hilbert C(X)-modules

Gogić, Ilja
izvorni znanstveni rad, 2012.
Journal of mathematical analysis and applications

Elementary operators and subhomogeneous C*-algebras

Gogić, Ilja
izvorni znanstveni rad, 2011.
Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society

Elementary operators and subhomogeneous C*-algebras (II)

Gogić, Ilja
izvorni znanstveni rad, Banach journal of mathematical analysis, 2011.

Derivations which are inner as completely bounded maps

Gogić, Ilja
izvorni znanstveni rad, 2010.
Operators and Matrices
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