- U suradnji Hrvatskog botaničkog društva i Akademije likovnih umjetnosti, u tijeku je izrada izložbe naziva “The beauty in detail, transformation and structure – coccolithophores”, u sklopu koje je korišten materijal sakupljen tijekom terenskih istraživanja u Jadranskom moru vršenima kao dio projekta BIOTA, kao i materijal sakupljen na sjeveru Pacifičkog oceana u sklopu projekta Sea to Space Particle Investigation (https://schmidtocean.org/cruise/sea-space-particle-investigation).
- Croatian Botanical Society and Academy of Fine Arts in Zagreb are currently preparing an exhibition titled “The beauty in detail, transformation and structure – coccolithophores”. The images of coccolithopores were done on samples collected in the Adriatic Sea and northern Pacific Ocean during scientific expeditions – “Bio-tracing of Adriatic Water Masses – BIOTA” and Sea to Space Particle Investigation (https://schmidtocean.org/cruise/sea-space-particle-investigation).
- U sklopu projekta ClimateBits, koji sadrži edukacijske alate za podučavanje raznih tema iz prirodnih znanosti, napravljen je i film koji daje pregled raznolikosti fitoplanktona, a na kojem su sudjelovali i znanstvenici s projekta BIOTA te u kojem je djelomično korišten materijal prikupljen u sklopu projekta.
Film pogledajte ovdje: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D7ujMCzcVCk
Više informacija ovdje: http://climatebits.umd.edu/about.html
- As part of the ClimateBits project, which offers educational tools for teaching earth science, a short video that gives an overview of the diversity of phytoplankton for life on Earth has been made. Scientists working on BIOTA project have collaborated on the video, and some of the material collected during BIOTA field research has been used for making the video.
See the video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D7ujMCzcVCk
More info at: http://climatebits.umd.edu/about.html
25.–29.9.2017. Dr. sc. Davor Lučić, savjetnik na projektu, boravio je na na kongresu „52nd European Marine Biology Symposium“ održanim u Sloveniji u Piranu. Na kongresu je sudjelovo s posterom naziva „Unusual zooplankton bloom in the open southern Adriatic Sea“, u sklopu kojega je predstavio rezultate istraživanja obavljenim u sklopu projekta BIOTA..
September 25th–29th, 2017 Davor Lučić, PhD, project consultant, attended the „52nd European Marine Biology Symposium“ congress held in Piran, Slovenia, where he presented a poster entitled „Unusual zooplankton bloom in the open southern Adriatic Sea“, in which he presented BIOTA project results..
14.–17.9.2017. Izvanredna profesorica dr. sc. Zrinka Ljubešić boravila je na kongresu „15 EBE“ održanim na Kreti. Na kongresu je sudjelovala s predavanjem „Suggesting bio-indicators of Adriatic Water masses and methods of their detection“, u sklopu kojega je predstavila rezultate istraživanja obavljenim u sklopu projekta BIOTA.
September 14th–17th, 2017 Associate Professor Zrinka Ljubešić, PhD, attended the „15 EBE“ congress held on Crete, where she held a lecture entitled „Suggesting bio-indicators of Adriatic Water masses and methods of their detection“, in which she presented BIOTA project results.
3. – 8.9.2017. U Zagrebu je održan međunarodni simpozij „SAME15 – 15th Symposium on Aquatic Microbial Ecology“, na kojemu su sudjelovali članovi tima projekta BIOTA, dr. sc. Zrinka Ljubešić, dr. sc. Sunčica Bosak i Maja Mucko, mag. oecol. et prot. nat. Na simpoziju su predstavile rezultate projekta u sklopu 3 posterska priopćenja.
Više informacija pronađite ovdje: http://same15.irb.hr/ -
September 3rd – 8th, 2017. An international symposium „SAME15 – 15th Symposium on Aquatic Microbial Ecology“ was held in Zagreb, and was attended by team members of the BIOTA project, Associate Professor Zrinka Ljubešić, Assistant Professor Sunčica Bosak, and Maja Mucko, mag. mag. oecol. et prot. nat. Team members presented project results on 3 poster presentations during the symposium.
More info can be found here: http://same15.irb.hr/
13. - 19.8.2017. Izv. prof. dr. sc. Zrinka Ljubešić i doc. dr. sc. Sunčica Bosak sudjelovale su na simpoziju „11th International Phycological Congress“ održanom u Szcezcinu, Poljska. Rezultati istraživanja projekta BIOTA predstavljeni su u sklopu dva posterska priopćenja: Ljubešić i sur. „Phytoplankton community responding to a changing environment - case study: southern Adriatic“ te Bosak i sur.: „Phytoplankton species composition contributing to carbon export - Sea to Space particle investigation“. Osim upoznavanja s najnovijim znanstvenim saznanjima i metodologijom te uspostavljanja novih vrijednih znanstvenih suradnji, u sklopu kongresa dr. sc. Ljubešić je održala i usmenu prezentaciju u sklopu koje je promovirala „7th European Phycological Congress“ koji se održava u kolovozu 2019. godine u Zagrebu.
Više informacija pronađite ovdje: http://ipc11.intphycsoc.org/ -
August 13th – 19th, 2017 Associate Professor Zrinka Ljubešić, PhD and Assistant Professor Sunčica Bosak, PhD, participated at the „11th International Phycological Congress“ held in Szcezcin, Poland. The results of BIOTA project were presented in two poster presentations: Ljubesic et al. „Phytoplankton community responding to a changing environment - case study: southern Adriatic“ and Bosak et al. „Phytoplankton species composition contributing to carbon export - Sea to Space particle investigation“. In addition to getting acquainted with the latest scientific knowledge and state of the art methodology as well as establishing new valuable scientific collaborations, Zrinka Ljubešić promoted the upcoming „7th European Phycological Congress“ which will be held in August 2019 in Zagreb, Croatia.
More info at: http://ipc11.intphycsoc.org/
20.6. - 8.7.2017. Doc. dr. sc. Sunčica Bosak boravi u Prirodoslovnom muzeju u Stockholmu u Švedskoj radi realizacije projekta „Dijatomeje iz Jadranskog mora u Stockholmu: dokumentacija zbirke dijatomeja P.T. Clevea pohranjena u Prirodoslovnom muzeju“. Istraživački boravak je financiran potporom europskog projekta SE-TAF-6540; SYNTHESYS (Synthesys of systematic resources) u sklopu EU programa. Za vrijeme istraživačkog boravka, doc. dr. sc. Bosak je održala javno predavanje pred kolegama i studentima na Botaničkom odjelu pod naslovom: „Diatom diversity in the eastern Adriatic sea“ i predstavila rezultate istraživanja dijatomeja dobivenih među ostalim i u sklopu BIOTA projekta.
Više informacija pronađite ovdje: http://www.synthesys.info/ -
June 20th - July 8th, 2017 Assistant Professor Sunčica Bosak, PhD, visited Natural History Museum in Stockholm, Sweden and conducted a project entitled: „Diatoms from the Adriatic Sea in Stockholm: documentation of P.T. Cleve material stored in Naturhistoriska riksmuseet“. The research visit was supported by the project SE-TAF-6540; SYNTHESYS (Synthesys of systematic resources) and the respective European Community – Research Infrastructure Action under the FP7 “Capacities” Specific Programme. During her visit, Dr. Bosak presented the results of the BIOTA project as a part of her public talk at Department of Botany entitled: „Diatom diversity in the eastern Adriatic sea“.
More info at: http://www.synthesys.info/
- 10.7.2017. održana je znanstvena radionica projekta „Bioindikatori vodenih masa u Jadranu – BIOTA“. Cilj radionice bio je široj znanstvenoj i neznanstvenoj javnosti predstaviti rezultate dobivene unutar projekta. U sklopu radionice održane su obrane dvaju diplomskih radova, te nekoliko predavanja od strane suradnika na projektu. Teme diplomskih radova izravni su rezultat rada na projektu i rezultata dobivenih u sklopu istraživanja, dok su predavanja dala pregled svih aktivnosti na projektu, pregled korištenih metoda, uključivši molekularne metode i protočnu citometriju, te pregled zaključaka projekta. Nakon održanih predavanja otvorena je rasprava na kojoj se govorilo o dobivenim rezultatima, kao i o budućim potencijalnim istraživanjima koja bi bila svojevrsni nastavak na rezultate dobivene u ovom istraživanju.
- July 10th, 2017 Scientific team held a scientific workshop within the scope of the „Bio-tracing Adriatic water masses – BIOTA“ project. Purpose of the workshop was to present project results to wider, scientific as well as general, public. As part of the workshop, two graduate students defended their thesis, which showed results gained through BIOTA project. In addition, project collaborators held several lectures where they talked about project activities, methods used in laboratory and field research, including molecular biology methods and flow cytometry, and conclusions reached during project research activities. At the end, there was a discussion which dealt with future research possibilities based on current knowledge gained through this project.
26.-29.6.2017 Na znanstvenom skupu „Ocean Carbon and Biogeochemistry workshop“, održanim u Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution u Woods Hole, Massachusettsu, kroz 3 posterska priopćenja predstavljeni su prvi rezultati sa Sea2Space ekspedicije.
Više informacija ovdje: http://web.whoi.edu/ocb-workshop/ -
June 26th – 29th, 2017 The 2017 OCB Summer Science Workshop was held at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution in Woods Hole, Massachusetts. First results of the Sea2Space expedition were presented in 3 poster presentations.
More info at: http://web.whoi.edu/ocb-workshop/
- 2.06.2017. Izv. prof. dr. sc. Zrinka Ljubešić sudjelovala je s pozvanim predavanjem "Razvoj metoda istraživanja fitoplanktona u Jadranskom moru" na godišnjoj skupštini Znanstvenog vijeća za prirodoznanstvena istraživanja Jadrana Hrvatske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti, koja je održana u dvorani Knjižnice HAZU-a. Jedan od ciljeva sastanka bio je u sklopu godišnje skupštine predstaviti rad članova Vijeća široj zainteresiranoj javnosti. Na predavanju je predstavljen dio napretka u razvoju metoda istraživanja fitoplanktona, što je i jedna od tema kojom se bavi i u sklopu projekta BIOTA.
- June 2nd, 2017 Associate Professor Zrinka Ljubešić, PhD, participated as an invited speaker at the yearly conference of the Scientific Council for Adriatic Research of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, with the lecture "Development of phytoplankton research methods in the Adriatic Sea". The gathering was held in the Library of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts. One of the objectives was to present the work of Council members to the wider audiences. Assistant Professor Ljubešić presented development of the methods used in the phytoplankton research of the Adriatic Sea, which is currently part of the research within the scope of BIOTA project.
4.5.2017. Izv. prof. dr. sc. Zrinka Ljubešić održala je na poziv udruge "Fenoliga – udruga u kulturi" iz Premanture popularno predavanje naslova „Jadransko more i fitoplankton“, na kojem je na način zanimljiv široj publici predstavila temu govoreći ujedno i o aktivnostima na projektu.
May 4th, 2017 Associate Professor Zrinka Ljubešić, PhD, participated as an invited speaker giving a popular lecture titled „Adriatic Sea and phytoplankton“ for the "Fenoliga – udruga u kulturi" association in Premantura, where she also talked about project activities and results.
24. – 28. 4. 2017. Doc. dr. sc. Sunčica Bosak sudjelovala je na konferenciji "23rd Nordic Diatomists' Meeting 2017" u Tallinu, Estonija, s predavanjem "Diversity of pennate diatoms in the plankton of the southern Adriatic Sea", u organizaciji Škole prirodnih znanosti i zdravlja i Instituta Ekologije Sveučilišta u Tallinu, Estonija. Više informacija ovdje: http://www.tlu.ee/en/NDM2017
April 24th – 28th, 2017 Assistant Professor Sunčica Bosak, PhD, participated at the scientific meeting "23rd Nordic Diatomists' Meeting 2017" in Tallin, Estonia, with the lecture "Diversity of pennate diatoms in the plankton of the southern Adriatic Sea", organized by the School of Natural Sciences and Health and Institute of Ecology at the Tallinn University, Estonia. More info can be found at: http://www.tlu.ee/en/NDM2017
12.4.2017. Izv. prof. dr. sc. Zrinka Ljubešić održala je seminar naslova „Istraživanja fitoplanktona – od mikroskopa do teleskopa“ na Geofizičkom odsjeku PMF-, na kojem je predstavila metode istraživanja fitoplanktona korištene u istraživačkim ekspedicijama na brodovima Falkor i Naše more u sklopu projekata „Measurement of Oceanic Particle Size Distribution in Support of Carbon Cycle Research and Ocean Color Remote Sensing“ i „Bio-indikatori Jadranskih vodenih masa – BIOTA“. Govorila je o prednostima i nedostacima tih metoda kao i njihovom potencijalu za buduća istraživanja. Seminar je bio namijenjen studentima, apsolventima kao i ostalim zainteresiranim istraživačima.
April 4th, 2017 Associate Professor Zrinka Ljubešić held a seminar called „Phytoplankton research – microscope to telescope“ at the Department of Geophysics, Faculty of Science, where she talked about methods used in phytoplankton research on board Falkor and Naše more research vessels, within the scope of „Measurement of Oceanic Particle Size Distribution in Support of Carbon Cycle Research and Ocean Color Remote Sensing“ and „Bio-tracing Adriatic water masses – BIOTA“ projects. She presented advantages and disadvantages of used methods and their potential for future research. The seminar was open to students and scientific researchers.
- 17.3.2017. Doc. dr. sc. Sunčica Bosak i Maja Mejdandžić, mag. oecol. et prot. nat. gostovale su u televizijskoj emisiji Znanstveni krugovi. Prilog naslova "Kako je otkrivena dijatomeja, nova vrsta morskoga planktona?", u kojemu su znanstvenice govorile i o ekspedicijama u južnom Jadranu provedenim u sklopu projekta BIOTA, može se pogledati na HRT-u (https://hrti.hrt.hr/video/show/3275827/znanstveni-krugovi-17-ozujka-2017).
- March 17th, 2017 Assistant Professor Sunčica Bosak, PhD and Maja Mejdandžić, mag. mag. oecol. et prot. nat., participated in the Scientific Circles television show. The story about the discovery of a new planktonic diatom species and the BIOTA project expeditions can be accessed at the HRT (https://hrti.hrt.hr/video/show/3275827/znanstveni-krugovi-17-ozujka-2017).
22. – 25. 3. 2017. Doc. dr. sc. Sunčica Bosak i Maja Mejdandžić, mag. oecol. et prot. nat., sudjelovale su na simpoziju: 11th Central European Diatom Meeting, Prag, Češka Republika. Predstavljena su istraživanja koje Laboratorij za biološku oceanografiju trenutno provodi: Mejdandžić M., Bosak S., Orlić S., Gligora Udovič M., Peharec Štefanić P., Špoljarić I., Mršić G., Ljubešić Z: Hidden diversity of planktonic Entomoneis species; Bosak S., Mejdandžić M., Wetzel Carlos E., Peharec Štefanić P., Ljubešić Z: Observations of planktonic Nitzschia and Navicula from the South Adriatic Sea.
Na simpoziju su predstavljena najnovija znanstvena saznanja i istraživanja o dijatomejama iz cijele Europe, ali i Amerike i Afrike. Simpozij je bio organiziran u više istraživačkih tema: Morfologija, taksonomija i filogenija; Bioraznolikost i biogeografija; Ekologija dijatomeja; Primjenjena dijatomologija (kvaliteta voda i biomonitoring); Paleoekologija i klimatske promjene; Ekofiziologija, molekularna biologija i biotehnologija; Dijatomejske baze podataka i kolekcije. Iako je većina predavanja i posterskih prezentacija bila usredotočena na slatkovodne dijatomeje, hrvatske znanstvenice dobile su vrijedne informacije za daljnja istraživanja. Također, studentica Maja Mejdandžić je sa svojom posterskom prezentacijom osvojila studentsku nagradu (1. mjesto za najbolji poster na simpoziju). - March 22nd – 25th 2017 Assistant Professor Sunčica Bosak, PhD, and Maja Mejdandžić, mag. oecol. et prot. nat., participated at theprot. nat., participated at theoecol. et prot. nat., participated at the 11th Central European Diatom Meeting, Prague, Czech Republic, where they presented current research that is being conducted in the Laboratory for Biological Oceanography: Mejdandžić M., Bosak S., Orlić S., Gligora Udovič M., Peharec Štefanić P., Špoljarić I., Mršić G., Ljubešić Z: Hidden diversity of planktonic Peharec Štefanić P., Špoljarić I., Mršić G., Ljubešić Z: Hidden diversity of planktonic Entomoneis species; Bosak S., Mejdandžić M., Wetzel Carlos E., Peharec Štefanić P., Ljubešić Z: Observations of planktonic Nitzschia and Navicula from the South Adriatic Sea.
The symposium indicated the latest scientific knowledge and research on diatoms from all over Europe, as well as America and Africa. It was divided into several research topics: Morphology, taxonomy and phylogeny; Biodiversity and biogeography; Ecology of diatoms; Applied diatomology (water quality and biomonitoring); Paleoecology and climate change; Ecophysiology, molecular biology and biotechnology; Diatom databases and collections. Although most of the lectures and poster presentations were focused on freshwater diatoms, Croatian scientists have received valuable information for further research. In addition, student Maja Mejdandžić won the student award for her poster presentation (1st place for best poster presentation at the symposium). - 9.3.2017. Doc. dr. sc. Sunčica Bosak gostovala je u radio emisiji naslova "Nevidljiva oceanska šuma" u sklopu emisije „Znanost na eteru“ Radija Student 100.5 MHz (https://www.facebook.com/events/1242818135803479/), u kojoj je govorila i o ekspedicijama u južnom Jadranu provedenim u sklopu projekta BIOTA (https://www.mixcloud.com/RadioStudent/znanost-na-eteru-nevidljiva-oceanska-šuma-intervju-sunčica-bosak-932017).
- March 9th, 2017 Assistant Professor Sunčica Bosak, PhD, participated in the radio show "Science on the Air Waves" of the Student Radio 100.5 MHz (https://www.facebook.com/events/1242818135803479/), talking about the BIOTA project and field expeditions conducted in the Southern Adriatic within the scope of the project (https://www.mixcloud.com/RadioStudent/znanost-na-eteru-nevidljiva-oceanska-šuma-intervju-sunčica-bosak-932017).
- Siječanj/veljača 2017. Izv. prof. dr. sc. Zrinka Ljubešić sudjelovala je na znanstveno istraživačkoj ekspediciji „Sea to space particle investigation“ na Pacifiku. Primarni cilj ekspedicije je bio unaprjeđivanje metoda daljinskih istraživanja kao priprema za NASA PACE – misiju lansiranja novog satelita koje je predviđeno za 2023. Voditeljica ekspedicije bila je konzultantica na projektu dr. sc. Ivona Cetinić (NASA Goddard Space Flight Center/USRA). Naš doprinos istraživanju je detaljna taksonomska analiza fitoplanktona.
U sklopu redovitih seminara tijekom ekspedicije doc. dr. sc. Zrinka Ljubešić održala je seminar o projektu "BIOTA cruises in the Adriatic Sea-Bio-tracing Adriatic Water Masses".
Više informacija pronađite ovdje: https://schmidtocean.org/cruise/sea-sky-particle-investigation/
Iz medija izdvajamo:
Phytoplankton sampling strategies
Weekly Video ~ Wrapping up the Sea to Space Expedition
Weekly Video ~ A Close-Up View
New Technology Gives Insight to Ocean Color for NASA Satellite - Januray/February 2017 Associate Professor Zrinka Ljubešić, PhD, participated in the "Sea to Space particle investigation" cruise in the Pacific Ocean. The main aim of the investigation was to improve the accuracy of the particle size distribution products gathered from satellite and remote-sensing data records (NASA PACE). The Principal Investigator was our consultant Ivona Cetinić from the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center/USRA. Our contribution to the investigation was detailed taxonomical analyses of the phytoplankton. Zrinka Ljubešić, PhD, Assistant Professor also held a seminar about the BIOTA project during the cruise "BIOTA cruises in the Adriatic Sea-Bio-tracing Adriatic Water Masses".
More info can be found at: https://schmidtocean.org/cruise/sea-sky-particle-investigation/
From the press release:
Phytoplankton sampling strategies
Weekly Video ~ Wrapping up the Sea to Space Expedition
Weekly Video ~ A Close-Up View
New Technology Gives Insight to Ocean Color for NASA Satellite
- 3.11.2016. Suradnica na projektu Maja Mejdanžić, mag. oecol. et prot. nat., je u sklopu redovitih predavanja Hrvatskog botaničkog društva održala predavanje pod naslovom "Najdraže jelo Louisa XIV".
Opširnije o predavanju ovdje: http://www.hbod.hr/hr/Poziv_na_predavanje_Lui
Poziv na predavanje ovdje: Poziv - November 3rd, 2016 Maja Mejdandžić held a popular lecture entitled "King Louis XIV's favourite food" at the Croatian Botanical Society.
More info about the lecture here (Croatian only): http://www.hbod.hr/hr/Poziv_na_predavanje_Lui
Annoucement here (Croatian only): Poziv
- 20.10.2016. Doc dr. sc. Zrinka Ljubešić je sudjelovala na prvom sastanku COST mjere CA15219 „Developing new genetic tools for bioassessment of aquatic ecosystems in Europe“ u Briselu (http://danaqua.net/network).
- October 20th, 2016 Assistant Professor Zrinka Ljubešić, PhD, participated at the 1st Management Committee Meeting for the COST action CA15219 "Developing new genetic tools for bioassessment of aquatic ecosystems in Europe", Brussels (http://danaqua.net/network).
- 2. – 9. 10. 2016. Doc. dr. sc. Sunčica Bosak sudjelovala je na radionici „Breaking the surface 2016“ u Biogradu na moru s pozvanim predavanjem naslova „Observations from the Invisible Forest: the diversity of marine phytoplankton“. Radionica je održana u sklopu projekta HORIZON 2020 "EXCELLABUST – Excelling LABUST in marine robotics" u organizaciji Laboratorija za podvodne sustave i tehnologije Fakulteta za elektroniku i računarstvo Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. Ova radionica je prvi na svijetu uspješni višegodišnji program treninga koji povezuje studente, iskusne znanstvenike i poduzetnike s interesom u primjeni robotike u morskom okolišu i različitim granama oceanskih znanosti.
https://www.facebook.com/BtSCroatia - October 2nd - 9th, 2016 Assistant Professor Sunčica Bosak, PhD, participated at the "Breaking the surface 2016" workshop held in Biograd na moru, Croatia, with the invited lecture "Observations from the Invisible Forest: the diversity of marine phytoplankton". The workshop was organised by the Laboratory for Underwater Systems and Technologies, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, University of Zagreb as a part of the HORIZON 2020 project "EXCELLABUST - Excelling LABUST in marine robotics". BtS serves as a meeting place for experts and students of marine control engineering and signal processing and the marine robotics application areas in various types of ocean science. The workshop is the world’s first successful, multi-year field training program that combines academic topics in marine robotics and robotics application areas and hands-on working experience in the sea, doing remote sensing and sampling for various ocean sciences.
https://www.facebook.com/BtSCroatia - 19. 9. 2016. Doc. dr. sc. Zrinka Ljubešić održala je pozvano predavanje "Pikofiplankton mora" na radionici u organizaciji dr. sc. Blaženke Gašparović na Instututu Ruđer Bošković. Cilj radionice bio je široj znanstvenoj i neznanstvenoj javnosti predstaviti rezultate dobivene unutar projekta HRZZ-a AMBIOMERES kao i umrežiti znanstvenike iz Hrvatske koji se bave istraživanjem morskog ekosustava. Više informacija potražite na: https://www.irb.hr/Razno/Kalendari-dogadanja-na-IRB-u/Dogadanja/Znanstvena-radionica-AMBIOMERES
- September 19th, 2016 Assistant Professor Zrinka Ljubešić, PhD, participated at the workshop organized by Blaženka Gašparović, PhD, at Ruđer Bošković Institute with the invited lecture "Marine picoplankton". The scope of the workshop was to present the progress of the AMBIOMERES project and to gather up scientists involved in marine research. More info at: https://www.irb.hr/Razno/Kalendari-dogadanja-na-IRB-u/Dogadanja/Znanstvena-radionica-AMBIOMERES
- Rujan 2016. Doc. dr. sc. Zrinka Ljubešić, doc. dr. sc. Sunčica Bosak, dr. sc. Ivana Babić i Maja Mejdandžić, mag. oecol. et prot. nat., posjetile su GEOMAR, Kiel (http://www.geomar.de/), gdje su predstavile rezultate svog rada i ponudile svoje stručno znanje za buduću suradnju.
- September 2016 Assistant Professor Zrinka Ljubešić, PhD, Assistant Professor Sunčica Bosak, PhD, Ivana Babić, PhD and Maja Mejdandžić, mag. oecol. et prot. nat., visited GEOMAR, Kiel (http://www.geomar.de/), where they have presented their work and offered their expertise and knowledge for future collaboration.
- Rujan 2016. Doc. dr. sc. Sunčica Bosak boravila je u Odjelu za Fiziku i Centru za mikro i nano znanosti i tehnologije Sveučilišta u Rijeci, u laboratoriju prof. dr. sc. Mladena Petravića. U suradnji s dr. sc. Ivnom Kavre radila je na pretražnom elektronskom mikroskopu te obradila uzorke plantonskih dijatomeja sakupljene na terenima 2015. i 2016. godine.
http://www.cmnzt.hr - September 2016 Assistant Professor Sunčica Bosak, PhD visited the Department of Physics and Centre for Micro and Nano Sciences and Technologies, University of Rijeka. In colaboration with Professor Mladen Petravić and Ivna Kavre, PhD, she worked on the Scanning Electron Microscope and analysed samples of planktonic diatoms collected at the 2015 and 2016 cruises.
- Doc. dr. sc. Sunčica Bosak boravila je u Laboratoriju za mikrobnu ekologiju, na Odsjeku integrativne morske ekologije, Stazione Zoologica Anton Dorhn u Napulju, Italija kod znanstvenice Raffaele Casotti, gdje je prošla edukaciju rada na protočnom citometru, te u suradnji s dr. sc. Ceciliom Balestrom obradila sve uzorke pikoplanktona i heterotrofnih nanoflagelata sakupljenih na terenskom istraživanju 2016. godine.
http://www.szn.it/index.php/it/personale/elenco-del-personale/50-casotti-raffaella/713-casotti-raffaella - Assistant Professor Sunčica Bosak, PhD, visited Microbial Ecology Laboratory, Integrative Marine Ecology Department, Stazione Zoologica Anton Dorhn, Naples, Italy in collaboration with Raffaela Casotti, PhD. She received additional training for flow citometer and in collaboration with Cecilia Balestra, PhD analysed all picoplankton and heterotrophic nanoflagellate samples from the 2016 cruise.
- 13. – 24. 6. 2016. Maja Mejdandžić, mag. oecol. et prot. nat., sudjelovala je na ljetnom tečaju "Marine Ecological and Evolutionary Genetics" na Station Biologique de Roscoff, u Roscoffu, Francuska. Tečaj je namjenjen doktorandima i poslijedoktorandima koji svoj doktorat izrađuju koristeći različite metode molekularne biologije. Tečaj je koncipiran tako da polaznici svaki dan slušaju jednog predavača kroz jutarnja predavanja, a u popodnevnim satima provode vježbe na predavanu tematiku. Tečaj je izuzetno koristan doktorandima koji imaju malo ili nedovoljno iskustva u molekularnoj biologiji. Više informacija na: https://meeg2016.sciencesconf.org/
- June 13th – 24th, 2016 Maja Mejdandžić, mag. oecol. et prot. nat., participated in the Summer Course "Marine Ecological and Evolutionary Genetics" held at the Station Biologique de Roscoff, Roscoff, France. The course was intended for doctoral and postdoctoral students that use different methods of molecular biology in their doctoral thesis research. The course is designed so that students listen to one lecturer each day through the morning lectures, and in the afternon they work on exercises on that topic. The course was extremely beneficial to doctoral students who have little or insufficient experience in molecular biology. More info at: https://meeg2016.sciencesconf.org/
- Doc dr. sc. Zrinka Ljubešić je održala popularno predavanje u sklopu redovitih predavanja Hrvatskog botaničkog društva o ekspediciji u južnom Jadranu, velikom terenu u sklopu projekta na kojem se bazira većina istraživanja. http://www.hbod.hr/hr/poziv_na_predavanje_Nessie_II
- Assistant Professor Zrinka Ljubešić, PhD, held a public lecture as a part of the regular lectures of Croatian Botanical Society, where she talked about the expedition in the southern Adriatic, a large field survey conducted within the framework of the BIOTA project, based on which the majority of research is grounded. More info at: http://www.hbod.hr/hr/poziv_na_predavanje_Nessie_II
- 24.2.2016. Doc. dr. sc. Zrinka ljubešić gostovala je u emisiji 3. programa Hrvatskog radija Znanost i društvo. Iz najave emisije: "Teme današnje emisije su Jadransko more i promjene koje se u njemu događaju zbog promjene klime. Klimatološki modeli predviđaju daljnji porast temperature zraka i razine mora te smanjenu količinu oborina, manji dotok slatkih voda i hranjivih tvari u Jadransko more. Zbog toga bi trebalo promijeniti načine praćenja i predviđanja promjena. O tome govore doc. dr. sc. Zrinka Ljubešić i prof. dr. sc. Mirko Orlić sa Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Prirodoslovno-matematičkog fakulteta i Geofizičkog zavoda." Poslušajte na: http://radio.hrt.hr/aod/znanost-i-drustvo/150018/
- February 24th 2016 Assistant Professor Zrinka Ljubešić, PhD, participated in the radio show "Science and society". From the announcement: "Themes of today’s show are Adriatic Sea and climate changes. Climatological models predict higher temperatures, as well as changes in precipitation that would influence the freshwater inflow into the Adriatic. Because of the potential consequences of those changes to the ecosystem functioning, monitoring and continuous investigation in the Adriatic is of highest importance. Today’s guests are Zrinka Ljubešić and Mirko Orlić from University of Zagreb, Faculty of Science." Listen to the show at: http://radio.hrt.hr/aod/znanost-i-drustvo/150018/
- 26. – 29.1.2016. Doc. dr. sc. Zrinka Ljubešić i Maja Mejdandžić, mag. oecol. et prot. nat., sudjelovale su na simpoziju: EMBO | EMBL Symposium: A New Age of Discovery for Aquatic Microeukaryote, Heidelberg, Njemačka. Simpozij je organiziran kao odgovor na velike projekte i ekspedicije: Marine Microbial Eukaryote Transcriptome Sequencing Project (MMETSP), Tara Oceans i Malaspina. Iako su sva tri istraživanja bila usredotočena na morske organizme, kao rezultat dobiven je vrijedan set podataka o ekologiji protista, evoluciji i biogeokemiji. Dobiveni rezultati omogućuju razvoj novih koncepata interakcija virusa, bakterija i arhea. Više informacija na: http://www.embo-embl-symposia.org/symposia/2016/EES16-01/
- January 26th – 29th, 2016 Assistant Professor Zrinka Ljubešić, PhD and Maja Mejdandžić, mag. oecol. et prot. nat., participated at EMBO | EMBL Symposium: A New Age of Discovery for Aquatic Microeukaryote, Heidelberg, Germany. The symposium was initiated by the Marine Microbial Eukaryote Transcriptome Sequencing Project (MMETSP), the Tara Oceans Expeditions, and the Malaspina Expedition. Although these three efforts focused on marine organisms, they have provided an unprecedented wealth of new data to the broader protist ecology, evolution, biogeochemistry, and model system research communities. Moreover, these efforts are enabling development of new concepts about the interactions of protists with viruses, bacteria, and archaea. More info at: http://www.embo-embl-symposia.org/symposia/2016/EES16-01/
- 15.1.2016. Istraživačka grupa Laboratorija za biološku oceanografiju predstavila se u emisiji HRT-a Znanstveni krugovi (www.hrt.hr/enz/znanstveni-krugovi/) (8:38-14:32 min). U prilogu je predstavljen rad prve godine projekta kao i planovi za nastavak istraživanja.
- January 15th 2016 Laboratory for Biological Oceanography was presented in the Croatian Television show dealing with news in science named Scientific Circles (Znanstveni krugovi) (www.hrt.hr/enz/znanstveni-krugovi/) (8:38-14:32 min).
- 7. 12.2015. U organizaciji Znanstvenog vijeća za prirodoznanstvena istraživanja Jadrana HAZU, Uspostavnog projekta HRZZ-a 6433 Bio-tracing Adriatic Water Masses, i Algološke sekcije Hrvatskog botaničkog društva održan je Okrugli stol: Bioindikatori stanja i promjena u Jadranskome moru u dvorani Knjižnice Hrvatske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti, Strossmayerov trg 14, Zagreb.
Predstavljeni su rezultati prve godine projekta, te je na temelju njih određen daljini tijek izvedbe projekta, tijekom kojeg će se kao potencijalni bioindikatori testirati tri skupine fotosintetskih mikroorganizama: 1) pikoeukarioti (Nannochloris sp.); 2) cijanobakterije (Synechococcus, Prochloroccous); 3) pelagičke penatne dijatomeje zasad nepoznate taksonomske pripadnosti.
Preuzmite Program, zaključke i objavu za medije. - December 7th, 2015 Scientific Council for Adriatic Research of the Croatian Academy of Science and Arts organized a Round table: „Bio-tracers of biogeochemical conditions and changes and in the Adriatic Sea“. Round table program and conclusions - download here (only in Croatian).
Results of the project activities were presented and a new focus of research suggested. As target species to test the project hypothesis, we suggest 1. pikoeukariots (Nannochloris sp.), 2. Cyanobacteria (Synechococcus, Prochloroccous) 3. pelagic pennate diatoms of not determined taxonomy.
- 6. - 31.7.2015. Dr. sc. Ivana Bošnjak sudjelovala je na tečaju Ocean Optics Summer Course (6.-31. srpnja 2015., Sveučilište u Mainu, Walpole, ME, SAD). Tečaj je intenzivan i interdisciplinitaran, te je Ivana Bošnjak izabrana kao jedna od stipendistica sa punom financijskom podrškom. Glavne teme tečaja su kalibracija i validicija satelitskih daljinskih istraživanja oceana, upotreba nove tehnologije i povezivanje podataka sa terena s daljinskim istraživanjima što je od izuzetne važnosti za projekt. Više informacija na: http://www.imber.info/Early-Career/Trainings-Courses-and-Cruises/Ocean-Optics-Summer-Course-6-31-July-2015-University-of-Maine-Walpole-ME-USA
- July 6th - 31st, 2015 Ivana Bošnjak, PhD, participated in the Ocean Optics Summer Course (6-31 July 2015, University of Maine, Walpole, ME, USA). An intensive four-week, cross-disciplinary, graduate-level course in Optical Oceanography was offered at the University of Maine’s Ira C. Darling Marine Center in summer 2015. This class is a continuation of the Optical Oceanography course first offered at the Friday Harbor Laboratories in 1985 and more recently at the Darling Marine Center. Past graduates are many of today’s leaders in oceanography. The major theme of the course is calibration and validation of ocean color remote sensing. The course will provide students with a fundamental knowledge of ocean optics and optical sensor technology that will enable them to make quality measurements, be able to assess the uncertainties associated with the measurements, and compare these data with remotely sensed ocean color measurements and derived products. The course is sponsored by NASA and the University of Maine, with the goal of preparing a new generation of oceanographers trained in the use of optics to study the oceans. More info at: http://www.imber.info/Early-Career/Trainings-Courses-and-Cruises/Ocean-Optics-Summer-Course-6-31-July-2015-University-of-Maine-Walpole-ME-USA
- Maja Mejdandžić, mag. oecol. et prot. nat., održala je popularno predavanje u sklopu redovitih predavanja Hrvatskog botaničkog društva o interakciji između bakterija i dijatomeja.
- Maja Mejdandžić, mag. oecol. et prot. nat., held a public lecture for members of the Croatian Botanical Society about the interactions of bacteria and diatoms in the sea.
- Doc. dr. sc. Zrinka Ljubešić održala je popularno predavanje na Skupštini Hrvatskog biološkog društva na kojem je iznijela prve rezultate istraživanja na projektu "Bioindikatori vodenih masa i struja u Jadranskom moru"
- Assistant Professor Zrinka Ljubešić, PhD, held a public lecture for members of the Croatian Biological Society. First results of the "Bioindikatori vodenih masa i struja u Jadranskom moru" project were presented.
- 26.5. - 26.6.2015. Jelena Godrijan sudjeluje na ljetnom tečaju "Microbial Oceanography: Genomes to Biomes" od 26. svibnja do 26. lipnja 2015. na University of Hawaii, Honolulu. Tečaj je namjenjen doktorandima i poslijedoktorandima. Više informacija na: http://cmore.soest.hawaii.edu/summercourse/2015/index.htm
- May 26th - June 26th 2015 Jelena Godrijan participated in the 2015 summer course “Microbial Oceanography: Genomes to Biomes” held from May 26 to June 26, 2015 at the University of Hawaii, Honolulu. This course is offered to graduate students and postdoctoral scholars with interest in marine microbiology and biological oceanography. More info at: http://cmore.soest.hawaii.edu/summercourse/2015/index.htm
- Na Festivalu znanosti 2015 u Tehničkom muzeju, dr. sc Ivana Bošnjak i dr. sc. Sunčica Bosak (suradnica na projektu) održale su popularna predavanja. Program: http://www.festivalznanosti.hr/2015/grad/zagreb/2015-04-22
- Ivana Bošnjak, PhD and Sunčica Bosak, PhD (Project Associate) held popular lectures at the Science Festival 2015 in the Technical Museum. Programme: http://www.festivalznanosti.hr/2015/grad/zagreb/2015-04-22
- 13. 4. 2015. Dr. sc. Zrinka Ljubešić gostovala je u radio emisiji Hrvatskog radija "Znanstvni koncentrat" u kojoj je govorila o ekspediciji u južnom Jadranu. Više informacija na: http://radio.hrt.hr/ep/znanstveni-koncentrat/108402/
- April 13th, 2015. Zrinka Ljubešić, PhD, participated in the radio show ˝Scientific concentrate˝ in which she spoke about the scientific research expedition to the southern Adriatic. More info at: http://radio.hrt.hr/ep/znanstveni-koncentrat/108402/
- 10.4.2015. Na Biološkom odsjeku PMF-a, Zagreb održala se popularno-znanstvena manifestacija Noć biologije. U sklopu manifestacije Laboratorij za biološku oceanografiju (unutar Laboratorija za algologiju) sudjelovao je sa četiri radionice.
- April 10th, 2015 Faculty of Science, Department of Biology, organised a popular-scientific manifestation "Noć biologije". The main goal of the manifestation is the popularisation of science as the Faculty opens its door to visitors from elementary, high school, other faculties and family and friends. Oceanography Laboratory held four workshops organised by postdoc Ivana Bošnjak, PhD, and PhD student Maja Mejdandžić.
- Doc. dr. sc. Zrinka Ljubešić održala je popularno predavanje u sklopu redovitih predavanja Hrvatskog botaničkog društva o ekspediciji u južnom Jadranu, velikom terenu u sklopu projekta na kojem se temelji većina istraživanja. http://www.hbod.hr/hr/Poziv_na_predavanje_Nessie Teren je bio izrazito zahtjevan, ali smo izuzetno zadovoljni s napravljenim poslom, o čemu možete više čuti u sklopu radijske emisije trećeg programa HRT-a Znanstveni koncentrat http://radio.hrt.hr/ep/znanstveni-koncentrat/108402/
- Assistant Professor Zrinka Ljubešić, PhD, held a public lecture as a part of regular lectures of the Croatian Botanical Society, where she talked about the expedition in the southern Adriatic, a large field survey within the framework of the project on which the majority of research is based. The fieldtrip was extremely demanding, but we are very satisfied with the work that was done. The lecture can be found at: http://www.hbod.hr/hr/Poziv_na_predavanje_Nessie
- Dr. sc. Ivana Bošnjak gostovala je u emisiji na Trećem programu Hrvatskog radija „Znanstveni koncentrat“ kao dobitnica ovogodišnje nagrade Društva sveučilišnih nastavnika mladim znanstvenicima. Dr. sc. Bošnjak dobila je nagradu za najbolji rad iz područja biologije za prošlu godinu. Rad je objavila za vrijeme rada kao viši asistent na PBF-u, Sveučilište u Zagrebu. Dakle, rad nije vezan uz projekt, ali je tijekom emisije naglasila da je zaposlena na projektu Zaklade i glavne ciljeve projekta. Više informacija na: http://radio.hrt.hr/ep/znanstveni-koncentrat/105562/
Rad možete u cijelosti pročitati OVDJE. - Ivana Bošnjak, PhD, was interviewed on the 3rd programme of Croatian radio on the show "Scientific concentrate", as the winner of this year's young scientist award of the Society of University Teachers, Scholars and other Scientists, Zagreb. Ivana Bošnjak, PhD, received the award for the best work in the field of biology for the last year. The work was published while she was working as a Senior Assistant at the Faculty of Food, Technology and Biotechnology at University of Zagreb. Study is not related to the project, but during the show she emphasized her employment on the BIOTA project, and main goals of the project. More info at: http://radio.hrt.hr/ep/znanstveni-koncentrat/105562/
Publication available HERE. - 29.1.2015. U sklopu redovitih predavanja Hrvatskog botaničkog društva dr. sc. Ivana Bošnjak održala je u sklopu redovitih predavanja Hrvatskog botaničkog društva predavanje "I SITNO JE BITNO: Prochlorococcus marinus Najsitniji i najabundantniji fotosintetski organizam na Zemlji". Predavanje je održano na Biološkom odsjeku, PMF-a, Zagreb. Predavanje preuzmite OVDJE.
- January 29th, 2015 Ivana Bošnjak, PhD, held a public lecture as part of regular lectures of Croatian Botanical Society talking about cyanobacteria Prochlorococcus marinus. Link to the lecture: http://www.pmf.unizg.hr/images/50013029/IB_HBoD predavanje_29-1-15.pdf