O djelatniku

prof. dr. sc. Goran Muić

Zvanje: redoviti profesor u trajnom zvanju
E-mail: E-mail
Zavod/služba: Zavod za algebru i teoriju brojeva




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Objavljeni radovi u Hrvatskoj znanstvenoj bibliografiji

On Higher Order Weierstrass Points on X_0(N)

Mikoč, Damir; Muić, Goran
izvorni znanstveni rad, 2024.
Rad Hrvatske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti. Razred za matematičke, fizičke i kemijske znanosti. Matematičke znanosti

Hilbert’s irreducibility, modular forms, and computation of certain Galois groups

Kodrnja, Iva; Muić, Goran
izvorni znanstveni rad, 2023.
Journal of number theory

On primitive elements of algebraic function fields and models of X_0(N)

Kodrnja, Iva ; Muić, Goran
izvorni znanstveni rad, 2021.
Ramanujan journal

On ideals defining irreducible representations of reductive 𝑝–adic groups

Muić, Goran
izvorni znanstveni rad, Lie Groups, Number Theory, and Vertex Algebras, 2021.

A remark on a trace Paley–Wiener theorem

Muić, Goran
izvorni znanstveni rad, 2020.
Pacific journal of mathematics

On the Schwartz space {;;;mathcal {;;;S};;;};;; (G(k)backslash G({;;;mathbb {;;;A};;;};;;))

Muić, Goran ; Žunar, Sonja
izvorni znanstveni rad, 2020.
Monatshefte für Mathematik

On representations of reductive p--adic groups over Q-algebras

Muić, Goran
izvorni znanstveni rad, Glasnik matematički, 2020.

Smooth cuspidal automorphic forms and integrable discrete series

Muić, Goran
izvorni znanstveni rad, 2019.
Mathematische Zeitschrift

On existence of generic cusp forms on semisimple algebraic groups

Moy, Allen ; Muić, Goran
izvorni znanstveni rad, 2018.
Transactions of the American mathematical society

Some Results on the Schwartz Space of $\Gamma\backslash G$

Muić, Goran
izvorni znanstveni rad, 2017.
Rad Hrvatske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti. Matematičke znanosti

On degrees and birationality of the maps $X_0(N)\rightarrow \mathbb P^2$ constructed via modular forms

Muić, Goran
izvorni znanstveni rad, Monatshefte für Mathematik, 2016.

On the Cusp Forms of Congruence Subgroups of an almost Simple Lie group

Muić, Goran ; Moy, Allen
izvorni znanstveni rad, 2016.
Mathematische Zeitschrift

Fourier coefficients of automorphic forms and integrable discrete series

Muić, Goran
izvorni znanstveni rad, Journal of functional analysis, 2016.

On the images and poles of degenerate Eisenstein series for GL_n(A_Q) and GL_n(R)

Muić, Goran ; Hanzer, Marcela
izvorni znanstveni rad, American journal of mathematics, 2015.

Degenerate Eisenstein series for Sp(4)

Hanzer, Marcela ; Muić, Goran
izvorni znanstveni rad, Journal of number theory, 2015.

On embeddings of modular curves in projective spaces

Muić, Goran
izvorni znanstveni rad, Monatshefte für Mathematik, 2014.

Birational maps of X(1) into P^2

Muić, Goran ; Mikoč, Damir
izvorni znanstveni rad, Glasnik matematički, 2013.

On the analytic continuation and non-vanishing of L-functions

Muić, Goran
izvorni znanstveni rad, International journal of number theory, 2012.
International Journal of Number Theory

Modular curves and bases for the spaces of cuspidal modular forms

Muić, Goran
izvorni znanstveni rad, Ramanujan journal, 2012.

On the inner product of certain automorphic forms and applications

Muić, Goran
izvorni znanstveni rad, Journal of lie theory, 2012.

On the Non-Vanishing of Certain Modular Forms

Muić, Goran
izvorni znanstveni rad, International journal of number theory, 2011.
International Journal of Number Theory

Rank one reducibility for metaplectic groups via theta correspondence

Hanzer, Marcela ; Muić, Goran
izvorni znanstveni rad, 2011.
Canadian journal of mathematics

Unramified Unitary Duals for Split Classical p-adic Groups ; The topology and Isolated Representations

Muic, Goran ; Tadic, Marko
izvorni znanstveni rad, On Certain L-Functions, 2011.

On Geometric Density of Hecke Eigenvalues for Certain Cusp Forms

Muić, Goran
izvorni znanstveni rad, Mathematische Annalen, 2010.

On the cusp forms for the congruence subgroups of SL_2(R)

Muić, Goran
izvorni znanstveni rad, Ramanujan journal, 2010.

On the Cuspidal Modular Forms for the Fuchsian Groups of the First Kind

Muić, Goran
izvorni znanstveni rad, Journal of number theory, 2010.

Parabolic induction and Jacquet functors for metaplectic groups

Hanzer, Marcela ; Muić, Goran
izvorni znanstveni rad, Journal of algebra, 2010.

On the Structure of the Space of Cusp Forms For a Semisimple Group Over a Number Field

Muić, Goran
izvorni znanstveni rad, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 2010.

Spectral Decomposition of Compactly Supported Poincare Series and Existence of Cusp Forms

Muić, Goran
izvorni znanstveni rad, Compositio mathematica, 2010.

On a Construction of Certain Classes of Cuspidal Automorphic Forms via Poincare Series

Muić, Goran
izvorni znanstveni rad, Mathematische Annalen, 2009.

Intertwining operators and composition series of generalized and degenerate principal series for Sp(4, R)

Muic, Goran
izvorni znanstveni rad, Glasnik matematicki, 2009.
Glasnik matematički

Divisors on projective varieties and Serre duality

Mikoč, Damir
magistarski rad (mr. sc. i mr. art.), 2009.

On the structure of theta lifts of discrete series for dual pairs (Sp(n), O(V))

Muić, Goran
izvorni znanstveni rad, Israel Journal of Mathematics, 2008.
Israel journal of mathematics

The Center of the Category of (g, K)-modules

Muić, Goran ; Savin, Gordan
izvorni znanstveni rad, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 2008.
Transactions of the American mathematical society

Degenerate Eisenstein Series on Symplectic Groups

Muic, Goran
pregledni rad (znanstveni), Mathematical communications, 2008.

A Geometric Construction of Intertwining Operators for Reductive p-adic Groups

Muić, Goran
izvorni znanstveni rad, Manuscripta Mathematica, 2008.
Manuscripta mathematica

Theta lifts of tempered representations for dual pairs (Sp(2n), O(V))

Muić, Goran
izvorni znanstveni rad, Canadian journal of mathematics, 2008.

On the decomposition of L-2(Gamma\G) in the cocompact case

Muić, Goran
izvorni znanstveni rad, Journal of lie theory, 2008.

On an algebraic approach to the Zelevinsky classification for classical p-adic groups

Hanzer, Marcela ; Muić, Goran
izvorni znanstveni rad, Journal of algebra, 2008.

Some Applications of Degenerate Eisenstein Series on Sp_2n

Muic, Goran
izvorni znanstveni rad, Journal of the Ramanujan Mathematical Society, 2008.

On Certain Classes of Unitary Representations for Split Classical Groups

Muić, Goran
izvorni znanstveni rad, Canadian Journal of Mathematics - Journal Canadien de Mathematiques, 2007.
Canadian journal of mathematics

On the Standard Modules Conjecture

Heiermann, Volker ; Muić, Goran
izvorni znanstveni rad, Mathematische Zeitschrift, 2007.

On the Non-Unitary Unramified Dual for Classical p-adic Groups

Muić, Goran
izvorni znanstveni rad, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 2006.
Transactions of the American mathematical society

On the structure of the full lift for Howe correspondence of (Sp(n), O(V)) for rank-one reducibilities

Muić, Goran
izvorni znanstveni rad, Canadian mathematical bulletin, 2006.

Construction of the Steinberg Type Representations for Reductive p-adic Groups

Muić, Goran
izvorni znanstveni rad, 2006.
Mathematische Zeitschrift

Reducibility of Generalized Principal Series

Muić, Goran
izvorni znanstveni rad, Canadian journal of mathathematics, 2005.
Canadian journal of mathematics

Structure of category of smooth representation of reductive p-adic group

Kelava, Andja
magistarski rad (mr. sc. i mr. art.), 2005.

Reducibility of standard representations

Muić, Goran
izvorni znanstveni rad, Pacific Journal of Mathematics, 2005.
Pacific journal of mathematics

Reducibility of standard representations for classical p-adic groups

Muić, Goran
sažetak izlaganja sa skupa, Functional analysis VIII, 2004.

Composition Series of Generalized Principal Series ; The Case of Strongly Positive Discrete Series

Muić, Goran
izvorni znanstveni rad, Israel Journal of Mathematics, 2004.
Israel journal of mathematics

Howe correspondence for discrete series representations ; the case of (Sp(n), O(V))

Muić, Goran
izvorni znanstveni rad, Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik (Crelle's Journal), 2004.
Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik

On the generic unitary dual of quasi-split classical groups

Lapid, Erez ; Muić, Goran ; Tadić, Marko
izvorni znanstveni rad, International mathematics research notices, 2004.

Conversion theorems and functoriality

Grbac, Neven
magistarski rad (mr. sc. i mr. art.), 2003.

A proof of Casselman-Shahidi's conjecture for quasi-split classical groups

Muic, Goran
izvorni znanstveni rad, Canadian mathematical bulletin, 2001.

Symplectic-orthogonal theta lifts of generic discrete series

Muić, Goran ; Savin, Gordan
izvorni znanstveni rad, Duke Mathematical Journal, 2000.
Duke mathematical journal

Complementary series for Hermitian quaternionic groups

Muić, Goran ; Savin, Gordan
izvorni znanstveni rad, Canadian mathematical bulletin, 2000.

Complementary series for Hermitian quaternionic groups

Muić, Goran ; Savin, Gordan
izvorni znanstveni rad, Canadian mathematical bulletin, 2000.

Some results on square integrable representations ; Irreducibility of standard modules

Muić, Goran
izvorni znanstveni rad, International mathematics research notices, 1998.

The unitary dual of p-adic G_2

Muić, Goran
izvorni znanstveni rad, Duke mathematical journal, 1998.

On generic irreducible representations of Sp(n, F) and SO(2n+1, F)

Muić, Goran
izvorni znanstveni rad, Glasnik matematički, 1998.

Irreducibility of standard representations for Iwahori-spherical representations

Muić, Goran ; Shahidi, Freydoon
izvorni znanstveni rad, Mathematische Annalen, 1998.

Intertwining operators, L-functions and Plancherel measures

Muić, Goran
magistarski rad (mr. sc. i mr. art.), 1994.
Detaljno o radovima