O djelatniku

prof. dr. sc. Ozren Perše

Zvanje: redoviti profesor
Lokacija: A304
E-mail: E-mail
Zavod/služba: Zavod za algebru i teoriju brojeva




integrirani prijediplomski i diplomski


Četvrtak 12-14

Objavljeni radovi u Hrvatskoj znanstvenoj bibliografiji

Tensor category $KL_k(sl(2n))$ via minimal affine W-algebras at the non-admissible level $k=-(2n+1)/2$

Adamović, Dražen; Creutzig, Thomas; Perše, Ozren; Vukorepa, Ivana
izvorni znanstveni rad, 2024.
Journal of pure and applied algebra

On the representation theory of the vertex algebra L−5/2(sl(4))

Adamović, Dražen ; Perše, Ozren ; Vukorepa, Ivana
izvorni znanstveni rad, 2023.
Communications in contemporary mathematics

Conformal embeddings, collapsing levels, affine vertex algebras and W -algebras

Perše, Ozren
sažetak izlaganja sa skupa, 7th Croatian Mathematical Congress, 2022.

On the representation theory of the vertex algebra L−5/2(sl(4))

Adamović, Dražen ; Perše, Ozren ; Vukorepa, Ivana
sažetak izlaganja sa skupa, 2022.

On the representation theory of $L_{;;;-5/2};;;(sl(4))$

Adamović, Dražen ; Perše, Ozren ; Vukorepa, Ivana
sažetak izlaganja sa skupa, 2021.

Conformal embeddings in affine vertex superalgebras

Adamović, Dražen ; Möseneder Frajria, Pierluigi ; Papi, Paolo ; Perše, Ozren
izvorni znanstveni rad, 2020.
Advances in mathematics

An application of collapsing levels to the representation theory of affine vertex algebras

Adamović, Dražen ; Kac, Victor G. ; Moseneder Frajria, Pierluigi ; Papi, P. ; Perše, Ozren
neobjavljeni prilog sa skupa, 2019.

Kostant Pairs of Lie Type and Conformal Embeddings

Adamović, Dražen ; Kac, Victor G. ; Möseneder Frajria, Pierluigi ; Papi, Paolo ; Perše, Ozren
izvorni znanstveni rad, Affine, Vertex and W-algebras, 2019.

On the representation theory of affine vertex algebras at collapsing level

Adamović, Dražen ; Kac, Victor G. ; Möseneder Frajria, Pierluigi ; Papi, Paolo ; Perše, Ozren
sažetak izlaganja sa skupa, 2019.

On the classification of non-equal rank affine conformal embeddings and applications

Adamović, Dražen ; Kac, Victor ; Moseneder Frajria, Pierluigi ; Papi, Paolo ; Perše, Ozren
izvorni znanstveni rad, Selecta mathematica, New series, 2018.

Conformal embeddings and associated vertex algebras

Adamović, Dražen ; Kac, Victor G. ; Moseneder Frajria, Pierluigi ; Papi, Paolo ; Perše, Ozren
neobjavljeni prilog sa skupa, 2018.

An application of collapsing levels to the representation theory of affine vertex algebras

Adamović, Dražen ; Kac, Victor ; Moseneder Frajria, Pierluigi ; Papi, Paolo ; Perše, Ozren
izvorni znanstveni rad, 2018.
International mathematics research notices

Conformal embeddings of affine vertex algebras in minimal W-algebras I: Structural results

Adamović, Dražen ; Kac, Victor ; Moseneder Frajria, Pierluigi ; Papi, Paolo ; Perše, Ozren
izvorni znanstveni rad, Journal of algebra, 2018.

Conformal embeddings and affine vertex operator algebras at negative integer levels

Adamović, Dražen ; Kac, Victor G. ; Möseneder Frajria, Pierluigi ; Papi, Paolo ; Perše, Ozren
neobjavljeni prilog sa skupa, 2018.

Conformal embeddings of affine vertex algebras in W-algebras ant their applications

Adamović, Dražen ; Kac, Victor G. ; Moseneder Frajria, Pierluigi ; Papi, P. ; Perše, Ozren
sažetak izlaganja sa skupa, 2017.

Conformal embeddings and the representation theory of affine vertex algebras at negative integer levels

Adamović, Dražen ; Kac, Victor G. ; Möseneder Frajria, Pierluigi ; Papi, Paolo ; Perše, Ozren
sažetak izlaganja sa skupa, 2017.

Conformal embeddings and associated vertex algebras

Adamović, Dražen ; Kac, Victor G. ; Moseneder Frajria, Pierluigi ; Papi, Paolo ; Perše, Ozren
neobjavljeni prilog sa skupa, 2017.

On Extensions of Affine Vertex Algebras at Half-Integer Levels

Adamović, Dražen ; Perše, Ozren
izvorni znanstveni rad, Perspectives in Lie Theory. Springer INdAM Series, vol 19. Springer, Cham, 2017.

Conformal embeddings of affine vertex algebras in minimal W-algebras II: decompositions

Adamović, Dražen ; Kac, Victor ; Moseneder Frajria, Pierluigi ; Papi, Paolo ; Perše, Ozren
izvorni znanstveni rad, Japanese Journal of Mathematics, 2017.

Finite vs infinite decompositions in conformal embeddings

Adamović, Dražen ; Kac, Victor ; Moseneder Frajria, Pierluigi ; Papi, Paolo ; Perše, Ozren
izvorni znanstveni rad, 2016.
Communications in mathematical physics

Fusion rules and complete reducibility of certain modules for affine Lie algebras

Adamović, Dražen ; Perše, Ozren
izvorni znanstveni rad, Journal of algebra and its applications, 2014.

A note on representations of some affine vertex algebras of type $D$

Perše, Ozren
izvorni znanstveni rad, Glasnik matematički, 2013.

Some general results on conformal embeddings of affine vertex operator algebras

Adamović, Dražen ; Perše, Ozren
izvorni znanstveni rad, Algebras and representation theory, 2013.

The Vertex Algebra $M(1)^+$ and Certain Affine Vertex Algebras of Level -1

Adamović, Dražen ; Perše, Ozren
izvorni znanstveni rad, Symmetry Integrability and Geometry - Methods and Applications, 2012.
Symmetry Integrability and Geometry-Methods and Applications

Embeddings of vertex operator algebras associated to orthogonal affine Lie algebras

Perše, Ozren
izvorni znanstveni rad, Communications in algebra, 2010.

On coset vertex algebras with central charge 1

Adamović, Dražen ; Perše, Ozren
izvorni znanstveni rad, Mathematical communications, 2010.

Vertex operator algebras associated to certain admissible modules for affine Lie algebras of type $A$.

Perše, Ozren
izvorni znanstveni rad, Glasnik matematički, 2008.

Representations of certain non-rational vertex operator algebras of affine type

Adamović, Dražen ; Perše, Ozren
izvorni znanstveni rad, Journal of Algebra, 2008.
Journal of algebra

Vertex operator algebras associated to type $B$ affine Lie algebras on admissible half-integer levels

Perše, Ozren
izvorni znanstveni rad, Journal of Algebra, 2007.
Journal of algebra

Vertex operator algebra analogue of embedding of $B_4$ into $F_4$

Perše, Ozren
izvorni znanstveni rad, Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 2007.
Journal of pure and applied algebra

Tensor products of modules for vertex operator algebras

Perše, Ozren
magistarski rad (mr. sc. i mr. art.), 2003.
Detaljno o radovima