O djelatniku

prof. dr. sc. Josip Tambača

Zvanje: redoviti profesor u trajnom zvanju
Lokacija: 312
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Zavod/služba: Zavod za primijenjenu matematiku






srijedom od 12 uz najavu mailom

Objavljeni radovi u Hrvatskoj znanstvenoj bibliografiji

Geometric optimization of vascular stents modeled as networks of 1D rods

Čanić-Mirković, Sunčica; Ljulj, Matko; Maretić, Marcel; Grubišić, Luka; Tambača, Josip
izvorni znanstveni rad, 2023.
Journal of computational physics

3D structure–2D plate–1D rod interaction problem

Ljulj, Matko ; Tambača, Josip
izvorni znanstveni rad, 2023.
Mathematical methods in the applied sciences

Hyperbolic problems for metric graphs - tools for analyzing vibrations of frame like structures

Grubišić, Luka ; Tambača, Josip ; Ljulj, Matko ; Mehrmann, Volker
sažetak izlaganja sa skupa, XXI Householder Symposium on Numerical Linear Algebra, Program and Book of Abstracts, Selva di Fasano 2022, 2022.

Homogenization of the time-dependent heat equation on planar one-dimensional periodic structures

Ljulj, Matko ; Schmidt, Kersten ; Semin, Adrien ; Tambača, Josip
izvorni znanstveni rad, 2022.
Applicable analysis

Preconditioning the Quad Dominant Mesh Generator for Ship Structural Analysis

Grubišić, Luka ; Lacmanović, Domagoj ; Tambača, Josip
izvorni znanstveni rad, Algorithms, 2022.

An open-source processing pipeline for quad-dominant mesh generation for class-compliant ship structural analysis

Grubišić, Luka ; Lacmanović, Domagoj ; Palaversa, Marin ; Prebeg, Pero ; Tambača, Josip
izvorni znanstveni rad, Journal of marine science and engineering, 2022.

Optimal design of vascular stents using a network of 1D slender curved rods

Čanić, Sunčica ; Grubišić, Luka ; Lacmanović, Domagoj ; Ljulj, Matko ; Tambača, Josip
izvorni znanstveni rad, 2022.
Computer methods in applied mechanics and engineering

Modeling of heat transfer through conductive pipe

Tambača, Josip
sažetak izlaganja sa skupa, 2021.

Mathematical model of heat transfer through a conductive pipe

Ljulj, Matko ; Marušić-Paloka, Eduard ; Pažanin, Igor ; Tambača, Josip
izvorni znanstveni rad, Modélisation mathématique et analyse numérique = Mathematical modelling and numerical analysis, 2021.

Numerical Modeling of the Fluid-Porohyperelastic Structure Interaction

Seboldt, Anyastassia ; Oyekole, Oyekola ; Tambača, Josip ; Bukač, Martina
izvorni znanstveni rad, SIAM journal on scientific computing, 2021.

Modeling and discretization methods for the numerical simulation of elastic frame structures

Grubišić, Luka ; Ljulj, Matko ; Mehrmann, Volker ; Tambača, Josip
izvorni znanstveni rad, 2021.
Electronic transactions on numerical analysis

Numerical investigation of the 2d–1d structure interaction model

Ljulj, Matko ; Tambača, Josip
izvorni znanstveni rad, Mathematics and mechanics of solids, 2021.

Automatic mesh generation for structural analysis in naval architecture

Grubišić, Luka ; Lacmanović, Domagoj ; Prebeg, Pero ; Tambača, Josip
izvorni znanstveni rad, ICSOS 2021, 2021.

A Naghdi Type Nonlinear Model for Shells with Little Regularity

Ljulj, Matko ; Tambača, Josip
izvorni znanstveni rad, Journal of elasticity, 2020.

Optimal design of stents

Tambača, Josip
sažetak izlaganja sa skupa, Tenth Conference on Applied Mathematics and Scientific Computing- ApplMath20 - book of abstracts, 2020.

Fluid–structure interaction between pulsatile blood flow and a curved stented coronary artery on a beating heart: A four stent computational study

Bukač, Martina ; Čanić, Sunčica ; Tambača, Josip ; Wang, Yifan
izvorni znanstveni rad, Computer methods in applied mechanics and engineering, 2019.

Derivation of a poroelastic elliptic membrane shell model

Mikelić, Andro ; Tambača, Josip
izvorni znanstveni rad, Applicable analysis, 2019.

3d structure - 2d plate interaction model

Tambača, Josip ; Ljulj, Matko
neobjavljeni prilog sa skupa, 2019.

A Naghdi type shell model for irregular shells

Ljulj, Matko ; Tambača, Josip ; Tutek, Zvonimir
sažetak izlaganja sa skupa, Book of abstracts of 90th Annual Meeting of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2019.

3D structure–2D plate interaction model

Ljulj, Matko ; Tambača, Josip
izvorni znanstveni rad, Mathematics and mechanics of solids, 2019.

Analysis of a linear 3D fluid–mesh–shell interaction problem

Čanić, Sunčica ; Galić, Marija ; Ljulj, Matko ; Muha, Boris ; Tambača, Josip ; Wang, Yifan
izvorni znanstveni rad, 2019.
Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Physik

Modeling and discretization methods for elastic frame structures

Tambača, Josip
neobjavljeni prilog sa skupa, 2019.

Direct solution method for the equilibrium problem for elastic stents

Grubišić, Luka ; Tambača, Josip
izvorni znanstveni rad, Numerical linear algebra with applications, 2019.

A biodegradable elastic stent model

Tambača, Josip ; Žugec, Bojan
izvorni znanstveni rad, Mathematics and mechanics of solids, 2019.

A new Naghdi type shell model

Ljulj, Matko ; Tambača, Josip ; Tutek, Zvonimir
sažetak izlaganja sa skupa, ApplMath18 - Book of abstracts of Ninth Conference on Applied Mathematics and Scientific Computing, 2018.

Mathematical modeling of stents as a net of 1D elastic curved rods

Tambača, Josip
sažetak izlaganja sa skupa, Book of abstracts of 2017 Joint Mathematics Meetings, 2017.

Numerical Methods for Hyperbolic Nets and Networks

Čanić, Sunčica ; Delle Monache, Maria Laura ; Piccoli, Benedetto ; Qiu, Jing-Mei ; Tambača, Josip
izvorni znanstveni rad, Handbook of Numerical Methods for Hyperbolic Problems — Applied and Modern Issues, 2017.

Nonlinear bending-torsion model for curved rods with little regularity

Kosor, Mate ; Tambača, Josip
izvorni znanstveni rad, Mathematics and mechanics of solids, 2017.

Quasi-semidefinite eigenvalue problem and applications

Grubišić, Luka ; Tambača, Josip
izvorni znanstveni rad, Nanosystems, 2017.
Nanosistemy: fizika, himiâ, matematika

Mixed formulation of the one-dimensional equilibrium model for elastic stents

Grubišić, Luka ; Iveković, Josip ; Tambača, Josip ; Žugec, Bojan
izvorni znanstveni rad, Rad Hrvatske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti. Razred za matematičke, fizičke i kemijske znanosti. Matematičke znanosti, 2017.

A dimension-reduction based coupled model of mesh- reinforced shells

Čanić, Sunčica ; Galović, Matea ; Ljulj, Matko ; Tambača, Josip
izvorni znanstveni rad, SIAM journal on applied mathematics, 2017.

Iterative methods for solving a poroelastic shell model of Naghdi's type

Ljulj, Matko ; Tambača, Josip
izvorni znanstveni rad, Mathematical methods in the applied sciences, 2017.

Integrated Stent Models Based on Dimension Reduction: Review and Future Perspectives

Zunino, Paolo ; Tambača, Josip ; Cutrì, Elena ; Čanić, Sunčica ; Formaggia, Luca ; Migliavacca, Francesco
prikaz, osvrt, kritika, Annals of biomedical engineering, 2016.

A new linear Naghdi type shell model for shells with little regularity

Tambača, Josip ; Tutek, Zvonimir
izvorni znanstveni rad, Applied mathematical modelling, 2016.
Applied Mathematical Modelling

Derivation of a poroelastic flexural shell model

Mikelić, Andro ; Tambača, Josip
izvorni znanstveni rad, Multiscale modeling & simulation, 2016.

On a model of a flexural prestressed shell

Marohnić, Maroje ; Tambača, Josip
izvorni znanstveni rad, Mathematical methods in the applied sciences, 2015.

One-dimensional quasistatic model of biodegradable elastic curved rods

Tambača, Josip ; Žugec, Bojan
izvorni znanstveni rad, Zeitschrift fur angewandte mathematik und physik, 2015.
Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Physik

Derivation of a linear prestressed elastic rod model from three-dimensional elasticity

Marohnić, Maroje ; Tambača, Josip
izvorni znanstveni rad, Mathematics and mechanics of solids, 2015.

A New Linear Shell Model for Shells with Little Regularity

Tambača, Josip
izvorni znanstveni rad, Journal of elasticity, 2014.

Fluid-structure interaction in blood flow capturing non-zero longitudinal structure displacement

Bukač, Martina ; Čanić, Sunčica ; Glowinski, Roland ; Tambača, Josip ; Quaini, Annalisa
izvorni znanstveni rad, Journal of computational physics, 2013.

Derivation of the linear elastic string model from three-dimensional elasticity

Marohnić, Maroje ; Tambača, Josip
izvorni znanstveni rad, Journal of elasticity, 2013.

Cardiovascular Stents as PDE Nets : 1D vs. 3D

Čanić, Sunčica ; Tambača, Josip
izvorni znanstveni rad, Ima journal of applied mathematics, 2012.

Derivation of the nonlinear bending-torsion model for a junction of elastic rods

Tambača, Josip ; Velčić, Igor
izvorni znanstveni rad, Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Section A, 2012.
Proceedings. Section A. Mathematics (Edinburgh)

Mechanical Behavior of Fully Expanded Commercially Available Endovascular Coronary Stents

Tambača, Josip ; Čanić, Sunčica ; Kosor, Mate ; Fish, R. David ; Paniagua, David
izvorni znanstveni rad, Texas Heart Institute journal, 2011.

Relaxation Theorem and Lower-Dimensional Models in Micropolar Elasticity

Velčić, Igor ; Tambača, Josip
izvorni znanstveni rad, Mathematics and mechanics of solids, 2010.

Mathematical Modeling of Vascular Stents

Tambača, Josip ; Kosor, Mate ; Čanić, Sunčica ; Paniagua, David
izvorni znanstveni rad, SIAM journal on applied mathematics, 2010.

A Novel Approach to Modeling Coronary Stents Using a Slender Curved Rod Model: A Comparison Between Fractured Xience-Like and Palmaz-Like Stents

Tambača, Josip ; Čanić, Sunčica ; Paniagua, David
izvorni znanstveni rad, Applied and Numerical Partial Differential Equations, 2010.

Existence theorem for nonlinear micropolar elasticity

Tambača, Josip ; Velčić, Igor
izvorni znanstveni rad, Esaim-control optimisation and calculus of variations, 2010.
ESAIM. Control, optimisation and calculus of variations

Semicontinuity theorem in the micropolar elasticity

Tambača, Josip ; Velčić, Igor
izvorni znanstveni rad, Esaim - Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations, 2010.
ESAIM. Control, optimisation and calculus of variations

Numerical comparison of the beam model and 2D linearized elasticity

Fabijanić, Eva ; Tambača, Josip
izvorni znanstveni rad, Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 2009.
Structural engineering and mechanics

Evolution Model for Linearized Micropolar Plates by the Fourier Method

Tambača, Josip ; Velčić, Igor
izvorni znanstveni rad, Journal of Elasticity, 2009.
Journal of elasticity

Derivation of a model of nonlinear micropolar plate

Tambača, Josip ; Velčić, Igor
izvorni znanstveni rad, Annali dell'Università di Ferrara. Sezione 7: Scienze matematiche, 2008.
Annali dellNULLUniversità di Ferrara. Sezione 7: Scienze matematiche

Evolution model of linear micropolar plate

Tambača, Josip ; Velčić, Igor
izvorni znanstveni rad, Annali dell'Università di Ferrara. Sezione 7: Scienze matematiche, 2007.
Annali dellNULLUniversità di Ferrara. Sezione 7: Scienze matematiche

On relative perturbation theory for block operator matrices

Grubišić, Luka ; Veselić, Krešimir ; Tambača, Josip
sažetak izlaganja sa skupa, 6th International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 2007.

Derivation and justification of the model of micropolar elastic shells from three-dimensional linearized micropolar elasticity

Aganović, Ibrahim ; Tambača, Josip ; Tutek, Zvonimir
izvorni znanstveni rad, Asymptotic Analysis, 2007.

A numerical method for solving the curved rod model

Tambača, Josip
izvorni znanstveni rad, Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik, 2006.

A note on the "flexural" shell model for shells with little regularity

Tambača, Josip
izvorni znanstveni rad, Advances in mathematical sciences and applications., 2006.

A note on reduction of dimension for linear elliptic equations

Aganović, Ibrahim ; Tambača, Josip ; Tutek, Zvonimir
izvorni znanstveni rad, Glasnik matematički, 2006.

Derivation and justification of the models of rods and plates from linearized three-dimensional micropolar elasticity

Aganović, Ibrahim ; Tambača, Josip ; Tutek, Zvonimir
izvorni znanstveni rad, Journal of Elasticity, 2006.
Journal of elasticity

Blood Flow in Compliant Arteries: An Effective Viscoelastic Reduced Model, Numerics, and Experimental Validation

Čanić, Sunčica ; Hartley, Craig J. ; Rosenstrauch, Doreen ; Tambača, Josip ; Guidoboni, Giovanna ; Mikelić, Andro
izvorni znanstveni rad, Annals of Biomedical Engineering, 2006.
Annals of biomedical engineering

Self-Consistent Effective Equations Modeling Blood Flow in Medium-to-Large Compliant Arteries

Čanić, Sunčica ; Mikelić, Andro ; Lamponi Daniele ; Tambača, Josip
izvorni znanstveni rad, Multiscale modeling & simulation, 2005.

Effective Model of the Fluid Flow through Elastic Tube with Variable Radius

Tambača, Josip ; Čanić, Sunčica ; Mikelić, Andro
izvorni znanstveni rad, Grazer mathematische Berichte, 2005.
Grazer Mathematische Berichte

A two-dimensional effective model describing fluid-structure interaction in blood flow: analysis, simulation and experimental validation

Čanić, Sunčica ; Mikelić, Andro ; Tambača, Josip
pregledni rad (znanstveni), Comptes rendus. Mécanique, 2005.

Blood flow through axially symmetric sections of compliant vessels: new effective closed models

Čanić, Sunčica ; Tambača, Josip ; Mikelić, Andro ; Hartley, Craig J. ; Mirković, Dragan ; Rosenstrauch, Doreen
sažetak izlaganja sa skupa, Proceedings of the 26th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 2004.

Derivation of a model of leaf springs

Tambača, Josip
izvorni znanstveni rad, Proceedings of the Conference on Applied Mathematics and Scientific Computing, 2004.

A model of irregular curved rods

Tambača, Josip
izvorni znanstveni rad, Applied Mathematics and Scientific Computing, 2003.

Modelling of curved rods

Jurak, Mladen ; Tambača, Josip ; Tutek, Zvonimir
izvorni znanstveni rad, Applied Mathematics and Scientific Computing, 2003.

Justification of the dynamic model of curved rods

Tambača, Josip
izvorni znanstveni rad, Asymptotic Analysis, 2002.

One-dimensional approximations of the eigenvalue problem of curved rods

Tambača, Josip
izvorni znanstveni rad, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 2001.
Mathematical methods in the applied sciences

Derivation of the elastic force of springs from the curved rod model

Tambača, Josip
izvorni znanstveni rad, Comptes rendus de l'Académie des sciences. Série IIb, Mécanique, 2001.

On the stability of rotating rods and plates

Aganović, Ibrahim ; Tambača, Josip
izvorni znanstveni rad, Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik, 2001.
Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik

Linear Curved Rod Model. General Curve

Jurak, Mladen ; Tambača, Josip
izvorni znanstveni rad, Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, 2001.
Mathematical models and methods in applied sciences

Estimates of the Sobolev norm of a product of two functions

Tambača, Josip
izvorni znanstveni rad, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 2001.
Journal of mathematical analysis and applications

Dynamic model of curved rods

Tambača, Josip ; Tutek, Zvonimir
izvorni znanstveni rad, Proceedings of the Conference on Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2000.

One-Dimensional Eigenvalue Problem for Curved Rods

Tambača, Josip ; Tutek, Zvonimir
sažetak izlaganja sa skupa, Book of Abstracts of the Second Croatian Congress of Mathematics, 2000.

Evolution model of curved rods

Tambača, Josip ; Tutek, Zvonimir
neobjavljeni prilog sa skupa, Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Wave Propagation, Waves 2000, 2000.

One-dimensional models in the theory of elasticity

Tambača, Josip
magistarski rad (mr. sc. i mr. art.), 1999.

Derivation of curved rod model by Kirchhoff assumptions

Jurak, Mladen ; Tambača, Josip ; Tutek, Zvonimir
izvorni znanstveni rad, Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik, 1999.

Derivation and Justification of a Curved Rod Model

Jurak, Mladen ; Tambača, Josip
izvorni znanstveni rad, Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, 1999.
Mathematical models and methods in applied sciences

Derivation of a Curved Rod Model by Kirchhoff Assumptions

Jurak, Mladen ; Tambača, Josip ; Tutek, Zvonimir
izvorni znanstveni rad, 1999.
Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik

Justification of a curved rod model

Jurak, Mladen ; Tambača, Josip
sažetak izlaganja sa skupa, Applied Mathematics and Computation, KOI'98 98., 1998.

Derivation of a curved rod model

Tambača, Josip
sažetak izlaganja sa skupa, Functional analytic methods in differential equations, 1997.
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